Thursday, February 27, 2025

Pisces New Moon 2025: Minor Planet Report

Basic details and main features

Pisces New Moon: 28th February 2025, 00:44 UTC, 9+ Pisces

As the final sign of the zodiac, Pisces symbolically represents the last stage in the journey from individual to collective, from mortal to divine; though in practice it is virtually never that simple. Multiple cycles must pass, numerous quests undertaken, before we susceptible humans are ready to shrug off our material attachments and don the cloak of eternal light and wisdom.

Like all the signs, Pisces contains its own supports and pitfalls. At its best, it facilitates our connection to the best of ourselves, of life, spirit and the sacred, putting aside the demands of ego to clear the path to enlightenment. In its less exalted forms, it can sow confusion, substituting the artificial and simplistic for the real and complex, lies for fundamental truths.

There is a large selection of bodies in Pisces at this lunation, which implies we need to take extra care when trying to discern what is real. As when Mercury is retrograde, now is likely a good time to double-check our information and keep the facts close at hand. This New Moon also occurs in a tight semi-square to Eris, reminding us that self-knowledge and following our inner truth may help clear up any mist in our line of vision. Meanwhile, Venus in Aries is perhaps a reminder that love and vulnerability too are forms of courage.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Aquarius New Moon 2025: Minor Planet Report

First thing: a brief note

Dear friends: Apologies that this month's report does not contain specific sign readings. In part this is due to some developments I've been working on, including the Focus On project, which I've finally been able to integrate with this report.

Instead of the usual list of references below, each minor planet featured here has its own Focus On post; you can access these by clicking the links on the individual names. Full lists of interpretations, data I've collected and any references can be found on those posts.

Focus On is the result of an information gathering project that has existed for several years, and is intended to host a thorough collation of astronomical and astrological data on various minor planets. Building it is rapidly becoming my life's work: an endeavour I am grateful and proud to undertake.

I do also intend to continue working on these reports, and to recommence sign-specific entries on the next one. (There might not be a Focus On link for these, but I will include the usual information.)

Thank you for reading this far. Now to the matter at hand...

With love

Friday, November 1, 2024

Scorpio New Moon 2024: Minor Planet Report

Basic details and main features

Scorpio New Moon, 1st November 2024, 12:47 UTC

Let's face it: the forthcoming U.S. presidential election is – to put it mildly – causing some tension. This lunation chart reflects the uncertainty and unease many of us are feeling, in large part thanks to a configuration between Mars, Pluto and Juno, known as a T-square, in the often fraught final (anaretic) degrees of Cancer, Capricorn and Libra respectively. It seems to me this aspect pattern represents in vivid colour our collective sense of urgency, our anxiety for it all to be over with, and our dread of the worst case scenario.

I will hazard one prediction. I think the regressive side of this particular fence is finally running out of footholds in society writ large, and a defeat at the polls will signal its downfall amid the ascent of a kinder, more egalitarian culture. The very close sextile between Jupiter (which might naturally stand for the Harris-Walz team, being the god of joy) and Chiron suggests potential for deep healing.

As a Brit, I recognise that I'm on the sidelines here and can have no idea what it's like actually on the ground. I feel for anyone who is scared, under threat or already hurt by the Christofascist horror show. But in case it helps: the trine between Mercury and Mars suggests a release valve for anyone feeling desperate or forlorn: namely, take courage, be clear and speak your truth.

I am convinced that good will prevail; it's just a question of when. I think there's at least a fighting chance for a victory on Tuesday. Much love to you all.

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Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Libra New Moon 2024/Eclipse: Minor Planet Report

Basic details and main features

Libra New Moon/Annular Solar Eclipse, Wednesday 2nd October 2024 at 18:49 UTC, 10+ Libra

With the equinox now several days behind us, we reach the second eclipse of the current pair, which takes place alongside a configuration involving nearby Mercury, plus Ceres and Uranus. If recent weeks have been characterised by delays and frustrations, this event may provide a much-needed dynamic boost. Even if we have to give the starting push, once the astrological momentum takes over, we could find ourselves covering a significant distance in a markedly short time. Be sure to keep both hands on the wheel.

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Some minor planets involved

Aspecting New Moon (conjunction or opposition)
  • (5) Astraea – Large S-type bright main-belt asteroid, named for the virgin goddess of justice, innocence, purity and precision. Not to be confused with Asteria, the goddess of the stars, in myth she became the constellation Virgo, and her scales Libra; she was also the last of the gods to reside among humans, and may return some day, bringing with her a second Golden Age. Astrologically, this body might represent balance, justice, innocence, idealism, vision and what is seen[1], fair trade[2], persistence, renaissance[3], difficulty letting go and blocked closure[4].
  • (57) Mnemosyne – S-type asteroid with orbital period close to a 2:1 commensurability with Jupiter. Greek Titan goddess of memory and mother of the nine Muses by Zeus. May signify recall[5], remembrance[6] and, perhaps, their roles in creative work and transcendence.
  • (260) Huberta – Cybele group member and outer main belt asteroid rich in carbon; identified with St. Hubert of Liège (c.656-727), who established ethical rules on hunting that are still followed to this day. He is patron of archers, trappers, hunting, dogs and forest workers; mathematicians; metal workers and smelters. Correspondences are likely to signify conservation, ethics, longstanding changes and effects, gradual development and/or careful testing, and new beginnings.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Lunar Eclipse post on Substack

Just a quick heads up: there's a new post on my Substack. Short and sweet. You can find it here.

Happy eclipse season,

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Virgo New Moon 2024: Minor Planet Report

Basic details and main features

Virgo New Moon, 3rd September 2024, 01:55 UTC, 11+ Virgo

With Mercury safely back in direct motion, Tuesday's New Moon might feel like a convenient springboard from which to take a huge leap back into action. That said, it's probably worth proceeding with unusual care. Accompanying the lunation is an incredibly tight Mars-Neptune square. This is one of the more delicate configurations (to put it, well, delicately).

Proactive yet impatient and sometimes rash (and, in Gemini, highly strung), Mars likes to push ahead without necessarily understanding the circumstances in which it moves. Neptune, meanwhile, loves to spread a fog over what it influences and sow confusion – making rapid action tricky, and possibly liable to mishaps. To complicate matters still further, Pluto has now retrograded back into Capricorn for a brief farewell visit, before finally settling into Aquarius in mid-November.

All this indicates caution and attention to detail as the most prudent course; in addition, ensuring that any loose ends are firmly secured. As the next lunation will bring us into eclipse season, soon enough we could well find matters developing at speed, without any additional propulsion required; now is the moment for checking the seatbelts.

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Sunday, August 4, 2024

Leo New Moon 2024: Minor Planet Report

Basic details and main features

Leo New Moon, 4th August 2024, 11:12 UTC, 12+ Leo

After all that Cancer-Capricorn energy, we've finally moved on to Leo for this next lunation. However, there's a twist: Mercury is about to station retrograde, and will do so less than a day following the New Moon. These are definitely conditions in which it's worth measuring the depth of the water before taking a dive. Rushing ahead may result in urgent backtracking, especially as the Sun passes through the Leo midpoint, when we reach the astrological Lammas.

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Some minor planets involved

Conjunct New Moon, 12+ Leo
  • (173) Ino – Asteroid from the intermediate main belt, about 150km in diameter and parent body of the Ino family, with nearly 500 known members. Named for a mortal princess who incurred the wrath of Hera for fostering the infant Dionysos. Hera drove her husband mad and he killed their eldest child; Ino took the other and fled from him, leaping off a cliff into the sea. The pair were welcomed among the sea-gods and Ino became Leukothea. In the correspondences are themes of rapid action, self-transformation, growth, fulfilling potential, inspiration and rectitude.
  • (358) Apollonia – Large main-belt asteroid named for an Ancient Greek trade colony founded around 600 BCE in southern Illyria (now Fier County, Albania), which developed into an independent polis. It was located at the crossroads of a prehistoric trade route, on the bank of the Aoös/Vjosë river. May represent multiple interests and developments, combining, travel, long-distance connections[1], focused energies, strategy, working with available resources.

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