Focus On index

Welcome to my Focus On project, an attempt to gather various data and referenced interpretations on (at least some of) the minor planets in one convenient place. I've organised the index by MPC number; as it expands, I'll add some navigation links and other tools.

Posts can also be searched using the engine near the top right of this blog or the Labels, which include for each the discovery sign, north node sign and any planets included in the resonances list.

In addition, you can check out several minor planet resource sites on my Links of interest page. Please feel free to contact me with any questions by using the form at the end of this page or writing a comment.

(1) Ceres
(2) Pallas
(3) Juno
(4) Vesta
(5) Astraea
(6) Hebe
(7) Iris
(8) Flora
(9) Metis
(10) Hygiea
(11) Parthenope
(12) Victoria
(13) Egeria
(14) Irene
(15) Eunomia
(16) Psyche
(17) Thetis
(18) Melpomene
(19) Fortuna
(20) Massalia

(25) Phocaea
(38) Leda
(55) Pandora
(57) Mnemosyne
(58) Concordia
(68) Leto
(74) Galatea
(100) Hekate

(114) Kassandra
(164) Eva
(193) Ambrosia
(269) Justitia
(399) Persephone
(433) Eros
(474) Prudentia
(490) Veritas
(831) Stateira

(1388) Aphrodite
(1566) Icarus
(1923) Osiris

(3361) Orpheus
(3811) Karma

(4580) Child

(5143) Heracles

(6235) Burney

(20000) Varuna

(38083) Rhadamanthus

(136108) Haumea
(136199) Eris

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