Monday, April 24, 2023

A Tale of Two Retrogrades

When working on a set of charts, one of the things astrologers look for is patterns. Patterns in divination usually tell a story of sorts, pointing the seeker in the direction of more precise knowledge. They are generally to be found somewhere; at times following a bit of digging out, archaeology-style.

At other times, they can be staring you right in the face.

Take for example the present Mercury retrograde phase, following its apparent change of direction on 21st April. Now, Mercury retrogrades in themselves are not exactly ground-breaking, and are usually noted by those taking an interest with humorous annoyance and memes*. Occurring when the swift planet laps Earth on its journey round the Sun (so that from our perspective it's moving backwards to its usual direction), these phases tend to generate advice such as to save and back up one's files, check and double-check for mistakes, and avoid making sudden, new and/or expensive purchases. All of this is helpful, and indicates the everyday and amusing type of themes with which Mercury retrogrades are popularly invested.

What makes this particular Mercury retrograde different involve a couple of phenomena. One is that two of the three weeks in question are also the eclipse window - see my previous post for more information on that. The other is a striking and rare synchronicity that immediately grabs the attention: namely, that the area of the zodiac in which Mercury travels backwards (15+ to 5+ Taurus) is the exact region covered by Jupiter retrograde later this year, from 4th September to 31st December. The positions differ by fractions of a degree.**

This is the type of event that indicates the need to sit up straight and pay attention. In stereo. With the volume at 11***. Pay attention to what exactly, though?

Well: firstly, it's likely that themes brought up during Mercury's retrograde will be revisited in a deeper, more profound and more lasting way during Jupiter's. Mercury is the planet of the small, Jupiter of the great. Therefore, it's worth taking special note of what comes up between now and mid-May. I would suggest noting particularly where emotional baggage and/or ideas that perhaps have had their day might be leading us to act in regressive or unhelpful ways, or to limit ourselves unduly. If it doesn't serve your soul growth and emotional healing but is proving hard to let go, that's probably what you're looking for. Starting right now, you have an opportunity to rise above it.

I'm aware this form of development is often far from easy, and can lead to challenging and painful moments. Visiting unfamiliar territory can also be scary. However, the astrology of these retrogrades is pointing to the emotional and spiritual benefits of carrying the process through, however far away they might seem at present. Learning from the past and changing direction as a result are necessary steps to a better way of being, for all of us.

And that, of course, means we can help one another.

* Of which I may or may not possess a small collection.

** Also making themselves known in both cases are the Moon (which is conjunct both Mercury and Jupiter at their station retrograde) and asteroids Hygiea and Eros, saying hello from Aquarius.

*** Yes, I'm old.

The full charts for this remarkable double retrograde phase. At left, the station retrograde for each; at right, the station direct. In each case Mercury's is the inner, and Jupiter's the outer wheel. Click image to view at full size.


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