We're in for quite the interesting April, astrologically speaking. Mercury is now retrograde, in which state it will remain for another three weeks from today. On Monday, we get the total solar edition of the latest eclipse cycle; while the early morning of 21st April (UT) will see the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus.
There's a lot to unpack in all of this, and a variety of angles from which one might examine the meaning. Monday's New Moon, to take one example, will be precisely (as in, to the arc minute) conjunct Chiron. This is unusual enough in itself to be worthy of extensive comment.*
Chiron is a relatively new discovery, spotted in 1977. Its approximately 50-year orbit is highly eccentric, unlike those of the major planets. It spends several years travelling through some signs, and zips through others within months. As an astrological phenomenon, it adds a whole layer of complexity to signification of human growth, representing a deeply psychological and emotional element of reaction to hurt, healing and transcendence.
Maturity is still an issue mostly considered the province of the Saturn cycle. The first Saturn return at around age 29 is the astrological mark of full adulthood; the second at roughly age 58 has coincided with preparation for retirement.** Chiron returns, on the other hand, do not track with the same immediately evident, collective markers; this cycle appears to be much more individual in nature, flavoured heavily by personal experience.
An eclipse so tightly associated with Chiron creates a situation where we can, in theory, experience a growth and healing phase that is both collective and intensely personal: by confronting our own challenges in this moment as well as paying attention to external events (and, perhaps, in what ways the two might be linked), we may help to facilitate a maturation process in society at large: arguably, one sorely needed.
About Mercury's retrogradation
Meanwhile, Mercury is quietly making its way backwards through Aries, having (fittingly) changed direction on 1st April. At the eclipse, Mercury will be conjunct Eris; then it gradually moves past Chiron and the eclipse degree before finally stationing direct close to the North Node. What intrigues me about this path is how it could be said to touch on three points associated with the themes I discuss above.
Eris, a dwarf planet discovered in 2005, has an orbit of 558 years. It is named for the goddess of strife and discord, whose lack of a wedding party invitation basically caused the Trojan War. Distilled to an individual level, astrological Eris can represent the instinctive nature that finds a way to break out if suppressed. Claiming and/or reclaiming this part of our character may aid our knowledge of ourselves as multifaceted and complex beings.
The nodal axis is a useful guide to a person's soul journey: the South Node in a natal chart indicates those familiar and comfortable concepts we could do with leaving behind; the North Node relates to ideas and situations we need to grow towards and embrace.
In this light, Mercury's brief sojourn across first Eris, then Chiron, then the North Node might be considered as the emotional and spiritual work of a full lifetime played out in miniature. Potentially, during the next three weeks, we'll each gain some vital information on the progress of our own quest. Perhaps the same period may also uncover the necessary steps humanity itself requires to tackle the grave issues of our present age: above all, how our troubled species could change its course from infighting, destructive impulses and self-sabotage to mutual support, and actively recognising the sacredness of all life on Earth.
* Additionally, in the US's natal chart for 4th July 1776, Chiron is in basically the same position. Transiting Chiron will be near exact the US natal Chiron when Mercury stations direct on the 25th of this month.
** ...at least, before the advent of runaway capitalism. Some extra detail: the prior Saturn oppositions occur at about age 14-15, usually when we are first developing our independence; and at 43 or so, at a similar moment to the Uranus half-return, which can signal the "midlife crisis" phase. After the second return, subsequent flashpoints take place around ages 72 and 87.
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Sector of a graphic showing the four main event charts discussed above. From inner to outer: Mercury station Rx, the eclipse, Jupiter conjunct Uranus, and Mercury station direct. |
I've been expecting/hoping to see some healing of martial matters, thinking specifically about the nightmare Netanyahu's regime, and our (US) funding of it. Fingers crossed something in that department seems to be ever-so-slowly shaping up (?) The Mars/Saturn conjunction in Pisces is also pretty interesting. A pivotal month, for sure...