Whatever else can be said about Saturn, he definitely has ways of keeping us grounded. During the past five years, while the beautiful planet has travelled through his own domain of Capricorn and Aquarius, we've had a pretty solid dose of reality hit us on a variety of fronts. The effects of global warming are evident. Covid has provided a sharp reminder about the fragility of life. And despite the overabundance of misinformation online waiting to pounce on virtually every mouse click, the dark money machinations and tyrannical ambitions behind it are now much better understood. So it'll be interesting to see how matters shift once Saturn enters Pisces on 7th March.
It seems to me that, while we do not always use them to best effect, the gifts of the heavens unfailingly arrive in timely fashion. Certainly we needed that injection of realism following the chaos of 2016. I would suggest, however, that the ongoing journey of Saturn into new domains is also, at this moment, requisite.
(Here I think I must admit a slight tendency towards optimism in my astrological interpretations. Readers of this blog will no doubt come to recognise that as, hopefully, the post count increases over time. Yet the principle of free will at the very least imposes uncertainty on precisely how astrological events manifest. Every transit has at least the potential to result in improvement, the opportunity for us to develop as people. This appears in my view to be information worth conveying.)
Were the current and recent emphasis on reality, duty and human fallibility to prevail much longer, there would be a lot of gloom about. It's a reminder that all things, however good for one, are best taken in moderation. Saturn's forthcoming arrival in Pisces appears above all to inform us that we'll once again be able to dream.
This doesn't mean, incidentally, dropping into a somnolent state and letting the issues still present in the world pass us by. For one thing, we must continue to ensure at least one foot remains firmly planted on the ground. We can't forget the serious lessons the 2020s have so far taught us. Now, though, it's time to exercise our imagination, our creativity, our sense of play and joy in life, as we begin to heal from the psychological strain so many of us have endured.
It's likely this process of repair and recuperation will begin with each of us, as individuals, focusing on our own wellbeing. Much has lately been made clear in terms of our personal needs, both mundane and more transcendent: what is truly important and what is shown to be far less so. To forge a happier and healthier existence may well require courage, creative thinking and coherent self-knowledge. It will probably need collective action in many cases. It will surely necessitate an effort towards social equality. But it starts within.
Try to recognise where you are vulnerable and also where you are strong; where and how you need help; and what changes you already have the power to accomplish. Avoid any temptation to envy and the urge to compete, since this is invariably a false guide; instead, focus on creating an existence true to your personal ideals, your soul path, your growth. Let your imagination help you find new routes to satisfaction, delight and fulfilment. And remember to enjoy and appreciate the blessings you already have.
One last: on Thursday, Mercury precedes Saturn into the sign of the fishes. Befitting his role as messenger of the gods, potentially his ingress will involve hints of what might happen once his celestial grandfather shows up. It may include tips for each of us on navigating this three-year sojourn across the seas. I'd definitely recommend keeping an eye open for those.
There's a reason it's called the beautiful planet. Image credit: ESA/Hubble, NASA, A. Simon (GSFC) and the OPAL Team, J. DePasquale (STScI), L. Lamy (Observatoire de Paris)
Chart for Saturn ingressing Pisces, 7th March 2023.
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