Something pretty special is due to happen in the skies this week.
First, a bit of background. The Earth year, depending on which part of the planet you inhabit, has certain seasons at certain points. In much of the Northern hemisphere, the winter solstice (the shortest day of the year) is around 21st or 22nd December. The summer solstice is halfway round the year from that, usually on 21st or 22nd June. The spring and autumn equinoxes take place between those times, in March and September respectively. At corresponding latitudes in the Southern hemisphere, these times are reversed: summer in December, winter in June, and so on.
The exact date and time is not always the same, because the seasons are aligned not with the Gregorian calendar but with certain points in the Earth's orbit, which cause the Sun's latitude from our point of view to appear as far North or South as it can be, or (in the case of the equinoxes) right on the equator.
Astrologically, the solstices and equinoxes, from December onwards, correspond with the Sun's apparent entry into the (tropical) signs of Capricorn, Aries, Cancer and Libra respectively. These four are known as the cardinal signs, those that commence their seasons - associated with pioneering, leading and pushing forward.
The points intersecting the solstices and equinoxes, known as the cross-quarters, are also of some significance, both astrologically and culturally. This coming weekend, we will reach one of those points as the Sun hits the middle degree of Aquarius, halfway between the cusps of Capricorn and Aries (45 degrees from each).
Now, it's perhaps not uncommon for these eight annual landmarks to coincide with particularly interesting astrology, but this one does so indisputably. As the Sun moves into the Aquarius midpoint, Uranus is waiting for it in fellow fixed sign Taurus - and they form an exact, as in to-the-minute, square. What makes this extra juicy is that Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius. The sky god is strutting onto the stage and making damn sure we notice.
Notice what, exactly? Well, Uranus is the planet of revolution, of awakening (most usually in the sense of a sudden jolt), and of innovation. Its discovery in 1781 ripped apart the traditional image of the solar system as bounded by Saturn. A whole new world in both a literal and a metaphorical sense. Uranus' transits, therefore, bring change - often unexpected and abrupt - which may sound disconcerting, though it can also be also an adventure, a novelty - and an opportunity to shape the future course of one's life. Humans have multiple ways of getting into a rut. We need times when the ground is stirred and the wind direction alters, bringing with it the call to a new journey.
Uranus' bold appearance features a supporting cast of intriguing players. The Moon, on its way to full phase, is opposing Pluto in late Capricorn, which may give added depth to the moment and perhaps additional intensity. Joining them in these late degrees is Vesta, loosely conjunct Neptune in Pisces. Vesta relates to one's vocation - often on a potent, spiritual level. Sedna occupies the same degree, in late Taurus.
In my view, all this seems to add up to a moment of clarity. The trivialities of life, the endless distractions with which we can amuse ourselves, might under this influence disappear from view, if only for a short time. We can perhaps aid this process by listening and feeling, asking ourselves earnestly what truly matters amid the bustle of our lives. What is actually most important to you, fundamental to who you are? What is the dream that never fades? What inspires you, calls to you, leads you onward to personal growth?
Uranus is sounding the reveille. It's our task to wake up, hear it and respond.
Full chart of the Sun at 15 degrees Aquarius, in exact square to Uranus in Taurus |
Fractal. Where will your Uranian journey lead?
This is really exciting to me. My sun is Leo (21) moon Aquarius (21)and Uranus Tarus (5)….🤩 Shall be attending it all…😌❤️ Thanks for the “notes”….Good to have you “back”!😌🤩