This year's Leo New Moon is tightly square Uranus in Taurus, which configuration suggests a potentially abrupt feel to whatever might be commencing for us at this point. I get the impression things have lately felt rather stagnant for a good few of us, so you might feel a bit of a jolt as they get moving again. Hopefully it'll come as a relief all round.
Without further ado, here is your horoscope for the approaching lunation.
Aries: One of the benefits of creative work is getting your voice heard. However incompatible others' perspectives might be, whatever deceits or illusions or false narratives may be at large, this is quite possibly an ideal moment to address any such issues, by telling your own story. You certainly have some strong practical moxie in your corner right now, giving you the capacity to bring your visions to life. You're about to have your turn at the mic, so it's none too soon to begin planning what you want to say. |
Taurus: Despite the retrograde motion of your ruling planet Venus, you may be inclined towards haste. Try to keep in mind that this does not necessarily confer actual speed, especially if there are challenges or uncomfortable truths to be examined. Some former emotional baggage in particular might make a reappearance. Take a while to acknowledge and confront any old feelings that arise before pressing on. You don't need to come to a complete standstill; however, you would likely benefit from moving one step at a time. |
Gemini: We all have our temptations and the particular circumstances that provoke them. The assumption that you can control yourself with sheer force of will is an outdated concept; fortunately, nowadays both understanding and compassion are more readily available. Let go immediately any suspicion that you lack some inherent virtue. Instead, focus on self-knowledge: causes, feelings and context. All of these matter. Facing the truth may be discomfiting, but it is almost always wonderfully releasing and healing. |
Cancer: If there's something you've been anxious to conceal, whether from yourself or others, be aware that the time is now ripe for the facts to emerge. The truth will out, however charming or eloquent one might be in the cause of withholding it. It's like trying to stop the wheel of time. However, the revelations in question could turn out surprisingly helpful. Secrecy is often the result of worries about security, whether material, emotional or both. You may well be about to discover that your fears were groundless all along. |
Leo: You are your own hero. You were not brought into this world merely to be an adjunct or sidekick, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Brook no bullshit. On this your New Moon, take a moment to celebrate the uniqueness of you: the virtues, the gifts, the experience and the resulting grit - not forgetting the spark of the Divine that's in each of us - all melded together in one glorious being. This is your time to shine; therefore shine unremittingly, proudly and magnificently, like the lion you are. |
Virgo: Leaving complex internal processes and emotions to the buried depths may appear to some the easier - and possibly even wiser - option, in contrast with dragging them out into the light. Yet this is at best a temporary fix, allowing us for a short time to pretend we're carefree and invincible, before the contrary evidence begins to reassert itself. You don't have to do this. It's OK to feel one's vulnerability, to need help and indeed to ask for it. This is not a weakness: it is merely a part of being human. |
Libra: Love is a form of nourishment. This is not necessarily even a metaphor. Our wellbeing receives an immense boost from giving and receiving affection, friendship or compassion. A sense of belonging is a wonderful healer. Whether you're feeling a little frayed around the edges, or would simply enjoy some pleasant company, this is an excellent period during which to seek and obtain that form of support. Friend groups, communities and shared interests in particular could fulfil some important needs. |
Scorpio: Putting oneself out into the world can be a scary prospect, and there is a tendency in WASPy society especially to discourage retrieving one's light from behind the bushel. This rather austere mode of living, of course, does not take into account that our unique gifts are there for a reason, and that offering them to others brightens existence all round. Your abilities are no exception. Foster your confidence if you're feeling a bit unsure, and then get ready to share your brilliance. The rest of us will be grateful. |
Sagittarius: You seem to be preparing to rise to new heights, though as a first step you may well need to jettison some sandbags. There are likely to be a few habits or paradigms that have had their day, and a bit of time and effort might be necessary both to identify them and to let them go. What actually qualifies here isn't always evident at first glance, as familiar thoughts and actions occasionally mask themselves as novel. With a little dusting and digging, though, you should be able to uncover their true form. |
Capricorn: In challenging moments it's never pleasant to be reminded of our resilience or grit, the lessons inherent in tough experiences or how we can grow and heal through them. What we want to be told is that easier times are on their way. As you will discover when the buffeting is indeed over and replaced by calm, and you can look back with philosophy on this particular phase, both statements are true. This period of dissolution and reconstruction may be necessary, but it will also pass. Hold on. |
Aquarius: Certainly we must all learn to cultivate our independence; to stand apart from others and cherish our uniqueness. Subjugating one's own needs to someone else's convenience is definitely not recommended. It is also the case that no human is an island. We simply cannot manage without the aid, wisdom and company of others. Perfecting knowledge on any subject requires the co-operation of many perspectives. If you've been feeling like you're somewhat adrift, it's totally fine to ask for a lifebelt. |
Pisces: It's very easy to get distracted by dramas in which you are not involved, or allured by the promise of ostensibly easy solutions to complex problems. Avoiding these potholes requires a degree of maturity, humility and focus. Now is probably not the time to be looking for magic portals or shortcuts; instead, concentrate on doing the work that is before you. Make checklists if you need them. This may seem rather humdrum, but if you put the effort in now you'll most likely be sincerely glad of it later. |
Chart for the 2023 Leo New Moon, on Wednesday 16th August at 09:38 UTC.
Fantastic work; love the glyphs!