Sunday, August 6, 2023

You Are Holding the Thread

This Monday, 7th August, is another of the cross-quarter days among those pivotal moments in the turning of the seasonal wheel when profundities tend to make themselves more apparent, just for a whisper.

The one in question is known to some in the north of the world as Lammas or Lughnasadh, the first fruits harvest (its equivalent in the southern hemisphere being Imbolc). It's usually celebrated around the first of the month, but astrologically it occurs when the Sun reaches the midpoint of Leo - exactly halfway between the Cancer solstice* and the Libra equinox**.

In astrological symbolism, the solstices and equinoxes occur as the Sun enters each cardinal sign. Cardinal signs represent initiation, pioneering, leadership - the first to set foot in new territory. Thus at these moments a new season commences. At the cross-quarters, the Sun is in the middle of a fixed sign. This indicates continuation as well as manifestation: the culmination of the seasonal forces in action.

Thus winter and summer might begin at the solstices, but it's usually at the cross-quarters when the cold or heat is likely to be at its most palpable: when the hours of sunshine or lack thereof have had time to produce a cumulative effect on the land and the atmosphere.

However, we also start to notice changes afoot: snowdrops and other early flora pushing up out of the earth as daylight hours increase, or night beginning to draw in sooner as the Sun appears to recede. In nature, it may be inferred, the zenith of power inevitably both precedes and heralds a decline in some form. Continual movement and change is, after all, a part of life.***

Following that very long preface, there are two especially interesting features of this year's chart for the northern Lammas. The first is the Sun tightly square Jupiter: an expansive force, tending to magnify whatever it touches. From fellow fixed sign Taurus, Jupiter's influence is likely to be practical, almost physical: what comes to mind immediately are the international heatwaves and storms that have continued, and built upon, the trends we've lately seen in our warming world.

In our individual lives, too, matters we might have pushed under the carpet, even for a long time, could suddenly re-emerge and demand substantial action. Currently retrograde Venus (ruler of Jupiter's present sign, herself in the Sun's domain) will also be playing a role here. Taking the courage to face the issues raised and deal with them more fully should prove useful.

The other notable event is an aspect pattern**** between Mercury and Pallas in Virgo, Pluto in Capricorn and an object called Lachesis in Aries, which is conjunct the North Node. Lachesis in Greek mythology is one of the three Fates, who measures out the cord of life. Along with Pluto, she potentially signifies the sense of destiny, or fatedness, we humans often feel: that our existence is ultimately outside our control, and that external events can be overwhelming in their effects.

By contrast, Mercury and Pallas (and Virgo) - along with a number of other prominent minor planets in this chart - are symbols of self-determination, reminding us that we all have the capacity to create or change our own path, even if this feels or actually is limited to some degree. In the most confining of circumstances, we still usually have some kind of choice or agency, and this configuration is calling on us to wield that power constructively, for ourselves and perhaps for others around us; to make our personal corner of the Earth brighter, little by little - and maybe, on the right occasion, with a potent spotlight.

* approx 20th-21st June, depending on locale.

** approx 22nd-23rd September.

*** Possibly a note of wisdom here for plutocrats, would-be dictators, and the regressively-minded.

**** A Finger of the World (FotW), in which two planets squaring one another are both sesquiquadrate a third (in this case, two conjoined bodies). Contrasted with the Yod or Finger of God, this aspect pattern signifies the power to effect change being within us. (It's a personal favourite for this reason.)

Full chart for northern Lammas/southern Imbolc 2023.


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