Greetings one and all. Since these are somewhat behind schedule, I won't wax too lyrical on the general chart for the lunation, which took place at almost exactly 33 minutes past midnight GMT this morning. I'll only say this: remember that every human being is family, and that nothing has lasting meaning which does not serve our whole species, and indeed all life on Earth. Love is the ingredient that makes everything beautiful.
Without further ado, here are the horoscopes.
Aries: Following the same course for a while can eventually seem like being stuck, even if the progress you've made is clearly visible. You might feel an impulse to change direction, or enter an alluring-looking shortcut, whether you mean to reach your destination sooner or simply to enjoy a diversion. For now, though, you would likely be wiser to remain on your accustomed path. Take a break if you need to; sniff the flowers growing nearby; look back at the long stretch behind you, representing all you've accomplished so far. Then, once you feel sufficiently refreshed, keep going. |
Taurus: Most of us have specific opinions we're sure will never alter. The fallacy of having reached the summit of all thought and discovery on a certain subject is a common one, despite the abundance of experiences we've all had where new knowledge has forced a rethink of our entire worldview. Remember: conclusions are best not set in stone, but rather treated as workable pending the next refinement. And after all, one could consider there's something exciting in the concept that more information is always out there in our gigantic universe, waiting to be found or shared. |
Gemini: Desire has a way of leading us all up hill, down dale and right into scrapes. It's fascinating how closed off we can be to the possibility of obstacles or sticky situations when the heart is firmly set on a particular object - only to then find ourselves in unexpected bother. Examine your stronger inclinations with care this week, and be wary of any ideas that might lead to harm down the line, however innocent your own motives - especially potential deceit or trickery. Aim for the moral high ground; it's much easier to avoid possible pitfalls when you can see clearly ahead. |
Cancer: We rarely get many opportunities in this busy late-stage capitalist life of ours for self-care, play or general indulging. There's always another item on the to-do list. Yet at present you may benefit from slowing down a bit, delegating somewhat, or taking a break; and possibly using the time gained to do something truly meaningful for yourself, that gets to the core of who you are in the deepest sense. Perhaps think of it as a mini-birthday, during which - however briefly - you can celebrate and affirm yourself, and let your light shine on the world at least a little brighter. |
Leo: Courage in the face of potential adversity is a noble quality, one that sits well on the shoulders of the Lion and is vital when facing a difficult but important task. Yet with unnecessary risks, that same fearlessness can become a liability. It's worth bearing in mind that success in a first assay does not guarantee additional triumphs thereafter. If inclined towards such a venture, try to consider carefully all the possible outcomes, and take whatever steps you can to mitigate any possible hazards. Luck is nowhere near as reliable a friend as good sense and forethought! |
Virgo: Whenever Mercury is retrograde, delays and frustrations can occur. If you're having some challenges resolving a particular situation, you might be tempted to apply a brute force solution. This may clear the immediate surroundings, but it's unlikely to reach the root of the matter. What you're dealing with probably contains some as yet invisible threads that require delicacy and gentleness above all in their unravelling. Have patience and allow the story to unfold for a space by itself. Protecting anything that happens to be fragile can only be to your benefit. |
Libra: You appear determined to break with early-rooted challenges and begin anew. However, it's worth checking carefully for those ties that continue to bind. There are many ways in which accustomed patterns can retain a hold on our psyche, and often the more insidious ones are the hardest to overcome. That said, persistent and thorough work should carry the day, alongside recognising how your improved emotional state may benefit you and others. You've already made more progress than you might believe possible; keep at it, and success won't be far off.
Scorpio: Wisdom and experience are indubitably excellent teachers; yet there is something to be said for the joys of learning an entirely new discipline. One's perspective is fresh and unweighted to a degree difficult to replicate in more seasoned practitioners. If you've been beavering away at a problem and find yourself retreading the same old paths with the same unsatisfying results, try stepping back and giving your mind a rest. Once your sense of optimism, play or delight is sufficiently restored, you may well discover an approach hitherto unseen and untried. |
Sagittarius: Take a moment to appreciate all you've gained, both in recent months and over the years: the multiple resources - both in the material sense of the word and in the deeper, more spiritual form of character and resilience; friends and memories; facts and understanding. Reviews of this kind are often useful before moving on to pastures new and aiming yet higher. Knowing the past clearly provides invaluable context and direction for future endeavours. If you're in the business of setting resolutions, using this week for reflection should make yours all the better informed. |
Capricorn: Each person with whom we interact adds to our understanding as a whole, both of humanity and of ourselves. It would seem one or two particular connections may be especially helpful to you in this regard at present. Whether these provide moral support, fun, kindness, information or challenges, pay close attention. Note also what you bring to the relationship, and whether it works for all parties involved. Perhaps, if one of you has significant influence over the other, earnest discussions or renegotiations might be of use. Keep this process as friendly and calm as possible. |
Aquarius: It's likely you're on the threshold of introducing, or experiencing, major changes to both your regular routines and your broader outlook. Much of this will probably be more profound and deep-seated than first expected. Engaging sincerely with these events will render the results likewise more salutary; though the alterations themselves can at times feel tough to handle, so do practise self-care and self-compassion. Reach out to folks you can trust whenever you need help, and know that in the end what you retain will include everything that matters and means the most. |
Pisces: Logic and emotion are each essential parts of the human condition, despite the very human tendency to choose one or the other as if picking a sports team. Both are also important facets of creative work, which is so often inspired and shaped by their meeting. Recognising this tends to foster a more rounded perspective, and is of practical use, since neither can be eliminated from the psyche. Every side of yourself is precious and worthy of respect; notice those areas you might feel most inclined to disdain or ignore, and grant them the honour they deserve. |
Chart for the last Full Moon of the year. May 2024 bring hope and peace in abundance for us all.
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