Hi folks. Having established myself (hopefully with some permanence) in new premises, I have finally been able to return to this blog. Apologies for the lengthened absence. It has been A Time. However, onward we go.
Tomorrow night's New Moon in Sagittarius is accompanied by two outstanding phenomena: firstly, Mars will be conjunct the Great Attractor: a point in deep space that is ostensibly exerting a pulling force on our galaxy and those surrounding it. Secondly, within a few hours of the lunation, Mercury will station retrograde in Capricorn.
The net result of these factors may be a sense of being drawn in various directions, unsure of which is the best course. You might feel tempted to move quickly on a matter that actually needs more thought and more extensive information before an appropriate decision can be made. As with any Mercury retrograde phase, additional details are likely to reveal themselves in time. It's almost always worth exercising a little patience.
On that thought, your horoscopes are below.
Aries: Getting to the truth of any matter is a process, often a long and intricate one involving some plot twists. To form a more complete picture, it is usually necessary to keep in mind differing and perhaps seemingly contradictory facts; then, gradually, they start fitting together like a jigsaw. In the meantime, you may benefit from a peaceable and/or charitable outlook. It's always worth following one's conscience, allowing for possible mistakes and supporting a constructive environment. A little humility is no bad ingredient in the sauce of wisdom. |
Taurus: As we enter what for many of us can be a busy, stressful time, it can be difficult to keep in mind our loftier aims and more intensive journeys into self. You might also feel driven at present to accept a task or mission that seems unpalatable, or at least dubiously worthwhile, contrasting with a possible urge to sink into the background and avoid any mantle of significance. Take courage. You are more important in the current sequence of events than might appear, and your actions could well open unforeseen paths to self-development and healing. |
Gemini: Partnerships of every kind tend to feature some system of compromise, since we all have our unique interests that may clash intrinsically in one sphere or another. At this moment you could well be feeling a decided impetus to move in one direction, and someone else in the opposite, with the link between you necessarily bearing the strain. Under the surface, however, there are likely to be points of agreement you might not immediately see. A little thought and investigation, alongside compassion, sensitivity and conscious rectitude, will probably reveal them. |
Cancer: Your sign has a special capacity to bring the sacred into the everyday, and just now an opportunity is presenting itself for you to make this happen on a larger or broader scale. It's a great moment to consider your routines and habits, and infuse into many of them the calling of your soul; to add the spice of spirit, divine love, richness and inspiration to your most mundane experiences. Where you find challenge or frustration, seeking out creative and skilled solutions may help overcome them; for the rest, only focus on opening your heart and letting the light in. |
Leo: Creativity and pioneering of any description require both daring and methodical work. The impetuosity and fearlessness of youth, woven through with a touch of romance, fires the imagination and supplies boldness. Meanwhile, logic and acquired knowledge provide the means to capture that initial spark and build it into a fire on which lasting results may be forged. This New Moon potentially presents you with the former: inspiration that will, for a time, carry you along if you let it. Once this settles, it's mostly the latter that gets you to the finish line. |
Virgo: Reviewing the past, and altering our perceptions of it, when new information arises can be a tough job. Forgiving ourselves for earlier blunders can be even more difficult. It certainly makes sense to face our history with the eye of truth and humility, so as to help shape a better future for ourselves and those around us. However, while taking a long and steady look at the facts, don't forget kindness and mercy. Many of us are unremittingly harsh to ourselves in a way we never would be to others. Remember you are human, and make allowances accordingly. |
Libra: Many traditions are formed on the basis of real meaning and value to the society observing them. As time passes, however, a custom retained for its own sake can become less of an affirming ritual and more like the ties that bind. If you feel impelled to make changes this month, and a longstanding arrangement or habit is the only obstacle, it might well be worth taking a thorough examination of its actual value, to you personally, at this particular time. There's no need to rush any decisions, or make cast-iron rules. Rather, let your wellbeing needs guide your steps. |
Scorpio: It would seem much of your energy just now is committed to getting past one challenging factor that appears obstinate, implacable or simply overwhelming. Possibly, there are available means that will allow inventiveness and strategy to win through (or perhaps under, over or around). Methodical movement, wise use of your resources and keeping record of the steps you take will almost certainly be useful here, but don't rule out flashes of insight, or letting your imagination out to play. These will help you find more unusual approaches, or those as yet untried. |
Sagittarius: One lesson of recent years relates to what actually constitutes independent thought, and how difficult it can be to ensure true impartiality in one's attitude. Humans influence one another in many unseen ways; an apparently original perspective can turn out more thoroughly steeped in peer pressure and outdated ideas than those with which it might aim to contrast. Sagittarians, however, are skilled at getting to the heart of the matter, regardless of any impositions by others. If you're feeling uncertain where you stand, you could do far worse than drawing on this talent. |
Capricorn: Amid all the world's bustle and noise, there is a great and often untapped power in silence, stillness and simple observation. We don't always need to dash about constantly seeking purpose or truth in external events. Nor is it necessary to solve every problem in a single heartbeat. As much as you can at present, allow yourself to take a pause, and let insights flow gently and gradually into your mind's recesses. Let them explore, grow, meet and shapeshift as they will. Something more concrete will form in time; all you need to do now is watch and notice. |
Aquarius: When we are wronged to a certain degree, it can be tempting to visit our anger immediately on the doer. The image of oneself as dispenser of poetic justice may appear most alluring. However, with time other ideas might emerge, and these usually merit some attention. There is often information available that can alter the context of what has occurred. Admitting this need not invalidate our feelings, but it might cause us to rethink our response. Allowing that moment to pass, and avoiding a rush into irrevocable reactions, is a strategy you might do well to adopt. |
Pisces: Now is an excellent phase for taking stock of your personal connections, especially of a professional nature. Consider your current trajectory and note what you see as the ideal route to progress. Then think about who is sincerely supporting your self-expression and growth; and, by contrast, who is trying to hold you back, or keep you in their shadow. Additionally, figure out your most effective sources of help, and anything you've tried that has proven less so. These discoveries should provide some valuable hints regarding where to concentrate your focus. |
Chart for the 2023 Sagittarius New Moon.