Aries In focus: (410) Chloris – C-type asteroid and parent of the Chloris family, named for a nymph abducted by Zephyrus (the west wind), who transformed her into the spring goddess Flora. Possibly signifies deep, clear or detailed insight, transformative ability, diligence and its fruits, emotional potency, sublimation or creativity.
(916) America – Background asteroid with a mean radius of about 16.6km, identified with the U.S. nation after the Council of Astronomers at Pulkovo Observatory decided to commemorate "the friendly relations of the astronomical observatories and astronomers"; also possibly due to the help rendered by the American Relief Administration during the famine in Crimea. May represent achievements, labour and labour power, strategic wisdom, conservation, continual striving, intrinsic intensity.
Position in event chart: Both are square your ruler Mars from Aries.
Theano's thoughts: It may be necessary for you to confront certain instinctive emotional responses which you would normally try to sublimate, conceal or suppress. Try delving into the roots of these feelings while suspending judgment; your discoveries could help explain what might usually appear to you irrational or unjustified. Knowledge is power. |
Taurus In focus: (161) Athor – Metallic asteroid and parent of a proposed Athor family; identified with the sky goddess Hathor, a major deity in ancient Egyptian religion. She represented music, dance, joy, love, sexuality, and maternal care, and crossed boundaries between worlds, helping deceased souls in the transition to the afterlife. Correspondences suggest an understanding of profound mysteries or fundamental truths; hearing or interpreting divine messages and signs; joy in life and nature, creativity and fertility.
(318) Magdalena – Main-belt asteroid named to honour Mary Magdalene, a pivotal figure in the Gospels. Meanings offered include commitment and affinity to a group cause, inner changes prompted by small signs or miracles; communication, optimism and joy, a connection to religion and the sacred feminine. I'd add perhaps evident brilliance, clarity or originality that can set one apart.
Position in event chart: Both are semi-square Venus from Taurus.
Theano's thoughts: Consider the various aspects of your social life, and note where you are most (and least) likely to experience spontaneous joy, inspiration and/or connection with the Divine. If you recognise specific people, environments or activities that tend either to refresh or to enervate, now's potentially a good time to rearrange matters in your favour. |
Gemini In focus: (26) Proserpina – Main-belt asteroid with cross-section size of around 90km. Named for the Roman equivalent of Persephone, whose mythology is virtually the same; but in Rome she was identified with, or replaced, the ancient fertility goddess Libera, the female equivalent of Liber Pater (who has been equated with Dionysos). Ceres, Liber and Libera were patrons of Rome's common citizens, and protected plebeian rights among their other responsibilities. Suggested meanings include connection to the inner self and personal values; receptivity and devotion; assertion or lack thereof; feeling alone or not belonging. Dane Rudhyar reportedly said of Proserpina: "In that name lies hidden the symbol of all resurrections."
(368) Haidea – D-type asteroid with mean radius of approximately 69.6km. Name origin is unknown but there are several characters in fiction named Haydée or Haidee, usually in a Cinderella-style romantic setting. May signify learning from or overcoming obstacles, attaining fame or influence, applied wisdom, adventure, controlled emotional responses (or use of emotion as a power source).
Position in event chart: Both are squaring ruler Mercury from your sign.
Theano's thoughts: Many areas in life tend to follow a tidal pattern; a phase of rapid progress may be followed by a more leisurely period, or one in which past decisions and mistakes are reviewed and corrected before continuing. If you seem to be hitting a few snags at present, slow down and take soundings. Be patient. You could well learn something vital. |
Cancer In focus: (122) Gerda – Fairly large stony asteroid from the outer main belt, identified with Gerdr, a jotunn and goddess who, after some reluctance, agreed to marry Freyr. She is associated with the earth. Possibly relates to skill, effort, detailed assessment, caution, identifying and solving problems, trust issues and autonomy.
(664) Judith – XC-type asteroid with an approximate mean radius of 36.3km, named for the Biblical figure who pretty much single-handedly saves her nation from a conquering army by gaining access to and decapitating their leader. Mark Andrew Holmes interprets Judith along these lines, in terms of feminine strength, infiltration and sex as a weapon. Possible additions include sudden clarity, drastic change or progress towards social justice, determination and firmness, protection against misuse of power.
Position in event chart: Both are trine the Moon from your sign.
Theano's thoughts: We are all complex beings, and at some point an inclination or drive we possess will be directly contrary to another. In your case, the urge to blaze a trail might sometimes come up against more self-protective instincts. When deciding whether to press ahead or hold back, it's worth considering how far any anxieties are (or are not) actually realistic. |
Leo In focus: (135) Hertha – Metallic asteroid and member of the Nysa family, possibly with a hydrated surface. Hertha is an alternative name for the Germanic goddess Nerthus, worshipped by seven tribes in ancient Germany. She presides over wagons and water. Appears to represent the quintessential or foundational element, alongside the innovative spirit and effort behind creating a durable project or tradition.
(797) Montana – Stony asteroid of about 22km diameter, located in the middle of the main belt. Name is from "mons", the Latin for mountain, in honour of Bergedorf, where the discovering observatory at Hamburg was located. Correspondences seem to imply newness, fecundity as in the spring, strategic channelling of strength and/or assets.
Position in event chart: Both are quincunx the Sun from Leo.
Theano's thoughts: An opportunity exists for you just now to kickstart a pivotal healing process or challenge a longstanding belief or habit that no longer serves. Retraining one's mind can be hard work, but the brain is a biological miracle, and with enough time and effort we can redirect even an established pathway. Allow yourself to open to the possibilities. |
Virgo In focus: (279) Thule – D-type asteroid from the outer main belt, identified with the "ultima Thule" of classical and mediaeval literature, which meant any place located beyond the 'known' world. By the early modern period, the ancient concept of Thule was often considered to refer to Iceland or Greenland. Suggested meanings thus far include travel, bigotry and haughtiness versus tolerance and humility; and secrets from ancient advanced civilisations. One might add seasonal variation, a clear image of the ideal, possibly carefulness and/or rectitude.
(9248) Sauer – Main-belt asteroid named in honour of Carl G. Sauer, Jr. a principal flight mechanics engineer at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, who has led development of analysis tools and advanced propulsion designs used for solar system exploration missions. May relate to precision, diligence, creative thinking, continuous development, prophecy or prodigiousness, fresh perspectives, or optimism.
Position in event chart: Both oppose your ruler Mercury from Virgo.
Theano's thoughts: Ideally, even the most intimate relationships should afford us all the freedom to be ourselves, to continue our inner growth, and to enjoy life, provided we're not preventing others from doing the same. It's true that partnerships require some compromise, but that needn't include our most fundamental values. Don't settle for the mediocre. |
Libra In focus: (18) Melpomene – Large, bright stony asteroid named after Melpoménē, the Muse of tragedy (initially of chorus) in Greek mythology. Her name means 'to sing' or 'the one that is melodious'; she is often represented with a tragic mask and wearing the cothurnus, boots traditionally worn by tragic actors. Along with theatrical gifts, acting and writing, may represent creativity in general and the results of constructive effort, tradition and order (and the urge to break away from them), persistent devotion, and cultural development.
(407) Arachne – Large carbonaceous asteroid identified with the talented mortal who challenged Minerva, goddess of wisdom and crafts, to a weaving contest. After taking her own life from shame, Minerva pitied her and transformed her into a spider. Meanings offered so far include: entanglements, weaving, storytelling; intricate, complex interactions, deceit, craftwork; conspiracies and networks of people, and intrigue; boastfulness or hubris; entrapment, layered significance; clashes with authority and competition.
Position in event chart: Both are opposite your ruler Venus from your sign.
Theano's thoughts: Wellbeing is likely a major priority for you at present; be especially wary of situations where you could find yourself offering strength or support beyond your means. In many cases it is necessary to erect and enforce boundaries to prevent those who are determined to overstep or create drama. Keep a close eye on those lines in the sand. |
Scorpio In focus: (192) Nausikaa – Large stony asteroid named for a princess in the Odyssey, the daughter of Alcinous and Arete who first meets the shipwrecked Odysseus on her land and assists him, embodying the Greek ideal of xenia, or hospitality. Mark Andrew Holmes interprets along these lines; additionally this asteroid might signify healing, sustenance, the capacity to see the divine within the mortal, initial impressions (which could stick) and courage.
(184314) Mbabamwanawaresa – Cubewano in the Kuiper belt, possibly 300km across. Mbaba Mwana Waresa (also Nomkhubulwane) is a Zulu goddess of rain, rainbows, agriculture and fertility, closely linked with the abundance of crops and rain as a life-giving force, bridging the physical and spiritual realms as part of her and her worshippers' deep connection to nature. She has the capacity to shape-shift into animal forms. Meanings offered so far include: guidance in decision-making; consistent emotional awareness, understanding of nuance, noting changes in others; hope and nourishment; finding a purpose within nature or the wilderness.
Position in event chart: Both trine your traditional ruler Mars from Scorpio.
Theano's thoughts: Creative projects often morph as they develop. It's usual for a published novel to be almost unrecognisable from the first draft; that's perfectly valid and usually an essential element of the process. If a concept of yours is taking a seemingly tangential direction, why not get curious and go with the flow? You may be pleasantly surprised by the outcome. |
Sagittarius In focus: (251) Sophia – S/L-type background asteroid from the outer main belt, named for Sophie von Seeliger, wife of German astronomer Hugo von Seeliger (1849–1924), to honour the occasion of their marriage. Current interpretations address the etymology of the name, which is Greek and means "wisdom"; I'd suggest there may specifically be a connection with lost, bygone or surviving wisdom, or the profound understanding that sometimes results from being marginalised and can be shared more widely through inclusion and reparative justice.
(577) Rhea – Main-belt asteroid identified with the Titaness mother of the gods, and goddess of female fertility, motherhood, and generation. Her name means "flow" (of time, birth fluids, milk and menstrual blood) and "ease" (as in the leisurely existence of the gods). Possibly represents carrying a project through to completion, ordered routine, end goals and the means of reaching them, harnessing natural energy, perseverance.
Position in event chart: Both are opposite Jupiter from your sign.
Theano's thoughts: Understanding social or psychological causation can be somewhat like assembling a jigsaw puzzle, and sometimes there are a bewildering number of pieces. It would appear you're being drawn to investigate a rather intricate mystery, and that you'll need to focus especially on less obvious factors. Watch out for misleading first impressions. |
Capricorn In focus: (89) Julia – Large asteroid and parent of the Julia family. Most likely named for Julia of Corsica (died c. 439 CE), a virgin and martyr who became one of Corsica's patron saints after being killed for refusing to sacrifice to the gods. Might signify social class divisions, conflict with authorities or societal change; the pivotal power of words and ideas; choosing one's battles; polarisation or dualistic concepts of good and evil.
(584) Semiramis – Sl-type asteroid with a mean radius around 26km, identified with a legendary Assyrian queen and demigoddess whose story is based on the real-life Shammuramat (c. 9th century BCE), the only known Assyrian queen to have retained her status after her husband's death, the only known ancient Assyrian woman to have partaken in a military campaign, and clearly an absolute badass. Correspondences suggest a high level of potency, a reservoir of vital energy put into action, authority in all forms, eruptive or unstoppable accomplishment.
Position in event chart: Both sextile Saturn from Capricorn.
Theano's thoughts: There is much to be said at times for donning an impenetrable mask or keeping to the shadows: both decidedly Capricorn-ish manoeuvres that protect us from unwanted scrutiny. Yet this is not always enough, particularly in the face of clear injustice or encroachment. Recognise when it becomes a duty to speak up, and act with courage. |
Aquarius In focus: (244) Sita – Sa-type asteroid of approximately 11km diameter, named for the goddess and heroine of one of the great Hindu epics, the Ramayana. She is regarded as an avatar of Lakshmi, is the chief goddess of Rama-centric traditions, and is known for her dedication, self-sacrifice, courage and purity. May relate to forward thinking and preparation, inspiration, broad vision, integrated responses, decisive and original action.
(858) El Djezaïr – Bright stony asteroid from the Leto family; the first to receive a name that consists of more than one word, in this case the French spelling of the Arabic name for Algiers, the site of discovery, which means 'the islands'. Sabian refers to spiritual ancestry and occult knowledge; other implications might include working towards greater clarity, inventive ability, creative effort, generational healing, nuance, environmental consciousness.
Position in event chart: Both are semi-square your traditional ruler Saturn from your sign.
Theano's thoughts: If you're feeling stuck for good options, it may be worth refreshing your memory as to what resources are available. Potentially combining them in new ways, or checking carefully for hidden assets, could open up routes that either appeared blocked or hadn't occurred to you previously. Your ingenuity will almost certainly reveal the way forward in time. |
Pisces In focus: (40) Harmonia – Stony main-belt asteroid, named for the child of Aphrodite and Ares; she presided over both marital and martial harmony, and was considered the opposite of Eris. The name was chosen to mark the end of the Crimean War, which was concluded on the date of discovery. Astrological attributes may include cosmic harmony, rebirth, peace and/or the obstacles to peace, excellence, or constructive creativity.
(405) Thia – Large Ch-type asteroid that reached perihelion in June 2023 and was identified with the Titan goddess of sight (thea) and the shining of the blue sky (aithre). She also endowed gold and silver with their brilliance and intrinsic value. Theia bore three children to Hyperion, the god of heavenly light: Helios, Eos and Selene. Along with several of her sisters she was goddess of an oracle, in her case at Ikhnai. Correspondences suggest spiritual discipline and the gifts it confers, prophecy, outstanding beauty (including artistic), overcoming obstacles or optimising resources.
Position in event chart: Both conjoin modern ruler Neptune in your sign.
Theano's thoughts: Sometime soon you will probably begin to see the fruits of your recent labours. Give these time to blossom fully; they might well contain layers that can only be peeled back gradually, so don't be disappointed if your first glimpse isn't all you hoped for. The true result of your accomplishments is likely more profound than you can yet realise. |
The interpretations for Taurus and Cancer are definitely interesting to contemplate and ringing some bells! I do feel like my social contact -- or specifically, my ability to initiate and follow through on more regular social contact of the kind I like best -- has been flagging. It feels mainly like a side effect of trying to be self-employed, as the necessary bandwidth and boundaries are a bit gobbled up, LOL...
ReplyDeleteGlad they're making sense for you :)