Minor planet reports: an introduction

Astrology is a thoroughly information-rich field, spanning a dizzying number of different techniques, mythologies, systems and cultures. As with other studies, the deeper you explore, the more you realise how little you actually know. Producing interpretations that are inclusive of all varieties of data would be practically impossible. We are all compelled to specialise to some extent. The beauty of this necessity is that, together, we can provide a more complete picture of the whole.

My minor planet reports are intended to serve in this regard.

I've been studying the minor planets for some time now, to the extent that it's become - if not a specialism in terms of expertise - then a line of study on which I've gradually focused increasingly. I've been working on a database in the hopes of sifting from the reams of information some methods for streamlining interpretation. It may well be a lifelong project. I'm up for that. However, it's proved somewhat difficult for me to balance this intense interest with the usual formats of astrological interpretation, especially horoscopes.

With the help of my good friend Amanda Painter, I eventually realised that, while there is already an abundance of horoscopes, a supplementary report on some of the minor planets getting in on the action during astrological events might be useful - hopefully, both to my fellow astrologers and the reading public. I can't be sure about that, but I can make the attempt and find out.

So here goes.

With love,

A note on minor planet astrology

In interpretation work, the main characters (so to speak) in the astrological chart can appear in a multitude of different qualities, roles, moods and associations. There is a wealth of information available on their sign and house placements and mutual aspects; this is especially true for the classical planets (out as far as Saturn, and including the Sun and Moon).

By contrast, the study of minor planets is a relatively recent addition to the discipline, and much is still to be unfolded. These objects also tend to have a much narrower mythological scope where named after lesser known deities, creatures or people. It's essential to note that certain names come with particularly challenging origin stories, and that interpretation need not be literal (as any decent Tarot reader will tell you).

How to read the reports

These posts are designed to support and augment other astrological interpretations of lunations and other celestial events, rather than operating independently. In describing the objects, I will draw largely on the information I've gathered, whether that's data on the discovery degree, the Sabian symbol of that degree, mythology, nodal signs at discovery, resonances with major planets, interpretations by other astrologers, or something else.

In each case, I'll select first from the minor planets that appear most prominent in the chart, usually those that aspect the main event in question, and then outline one or two potentially relevant to each sign. All orbs involved will be one degree or less, and the objects chosen will always be those on which I have at least some data. So many bodies exist that it's impossible to include them all, so what you'll get is basically a small sample. Nevertheless, I hope the resulting posts will be helpful.

Please feel free to contact me using the form below if you would like further details on any of the minor planets featured, including sources.

Report index

(Hopefully to increase over time!)

Sagittarius Full Moon, for 23rd May 2024

Gemini New Moon, for 6th June 2024

Capricorn Full Moon, for 22nd June 2024

Capricorn Full Moon, for 21st July 2024

Leo New Moon, for 4th August 2024

Virgo New Moon, for 3rd September 2024

Libra New Moon and Annular Solar Eclipse, for 2nd October 2024

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