Aries: Whatever you are working on, it's important not to lose sight of your ultimate goal in undertaking it, lest you risk getting distracted. It's exciting to become caught up in drama and conflict, to make a powerful entrance and then to wield that power. It is also usually beside the point. Consider your methods carefully: if the surest way ahead appears humble or overly simple in comparison to others, don't let that prevent you if it is also the one best worth taking. Let justice and truth be your watchwords, and you should be able to proceed with relative ease. |
Taurus: To forge ahead regardless of environmental conditions is a common human temptation, and right now the concept may look pretty alluring. It could likewise seem near impossible to take a slower, more reflective pace, when there is so much on your to-do list. However, there is likely to be at least one circumstance you need to study carefully and deal with before moving forward. Make a special point of reviewing your emotional world and noting anything that seems amiss or outstanding in some way. Then tackle that issue first of all. It'll be worth the effort: in this case, less haste is bound to equal more speed. |
Gemini: Despite all the buffeting that has occurred for many of us during this decade, it would appear you've now reached a place of relative stability and calm. You have accomplished this through hard work, and you thoroughly deserve to enjoy the leisure and relaxation now presenting itself. You can probably get frenetic again soon enough. For now, take your time, and allow the gentle waves of ease to soothe any perturbation in your spirit. If your brain, that contrary creature, tries to drag you back into former griefs or unpleasantness, resist it and instead take pride in the progress you have made. |
Cancer: You've experienced some interesting times lately, and these have likely taught you much about your own strength, grit and uniqueness. You are shaping your destiny with your own two hands, and though at times the task may seem hard going or too much to handle, persistence will surely bring reward. Don't assume the painting must be a failure because only the background is done so far, or that the plant yet to grow fully won't eventually blossom into beauty. Wait until you have a complete set of data before passing judgment. The results will probably yield at least one pleasant surprise. |
Leo: Take a breather. Remember that you are a full card-carrying member of the human species, with all the attendant rights therein, whether society is open to according them or not. It's certainly true that your choices are your own, and you have every freedom to hide, lose yourself in the crowd, look small or make sacrifices, as you see fit. However, be advised that what may look like an expression of your will could actually be a form of self-sabotage. Weigh the probabilities up with care, and be sure you have all the facts before deciding. Chances are you'll thank yourself for it later. |
Virgo: Your sign is renowned for the ability to get down to the details and do the job that's in front of you, which rarely fails to produce sterling results. This next couple of weeks are likely to be no exception. Planning ahead should help you make the most of every day - and not merely in terms of productivity, which is only one way out of many to measure one's existence. Much more important is the capacity to express who you are in your daily life and habits: to honour your capacity to be and to grow, and to ensure you have everything you need for both. |
Libra: Give yourself credit for having come through recent challenges, and for your elastic strength that helps you become virtually impervious to all sorts of obstacles. Now is a useful time to rest, process the various stages of your emotional journey, and recognise the wisdom you've gained. In particular, giving your feelings expression via some form of creativity or invention may well be of service to you. Don't worry about skill levels; just focus on getting the main substance onto the canvas, or whichever medium you choose, and let the child in you have some well-earned playtime. |
Scorpio: When the decorations and paint and intricate carvings are stripped away, what's left is the raw material. When what is superficial is removed, only the essential and the basic remains. This is often an intense and sometimes scary process, but it's also a necessary one; and when it's over, you have a clean new page on which to create fresh and even more delightful visions. You've been chipping away for a good long while now, and are nearly at the stage where you can begin to build on the foundations. That the architecture will be wholly of your own design, without anyone's officious interference, is perhaps the greatest beauty of all. |
Sagittarius: This would appear to be a great moment to dream big. Just remember to con over all the crucial details before you take flight: make sure your hull is intact and sturdy, the controls are working, your destination is correctly plugged in and the weather is conducive. Once all these matters are in place, you can get airborne and focus on the travelling. Until then, it may help to realise that even screwing in that extra bolt and running safety checks are still forms of movement towards your goal. The time taken on these essential tasks is nothing compared to the time saved by getting them right, and in the end that becomes clear. |
Capricorn: Everything fluctuates all the time, though it is not always easy to see this. You may be worried that an endeavour or an aspect of your world is no longer viable. Not a bit of it. Be wary of any sense of absolutes or of finality, because all is highly unlikely to be what it seems. Even against the more intimidating odds, there are means of succeeding; and in this case things are probably much better than they seem. It would be wise not to make an immutable decision for the time being. Wait until you have more information, and don't be afraid to ask around for your own peace of mind. |
Aquarius: How do you create something that will endure? Certainly there's an element of luck, and much may also depend on the quality of the assistants you collect around you. But what really matters in the end is the thing itself: its substance, its purpose, its tendency to help or hinder others. It may well be time to have an honest conversation with yourself about what you are trying to bring into the world, and in what ways it reflects the highlights (and otherwise) of your present impact on your surroundings. Who you are influences what you produce, and you need to understand, as clearly as you can, the qualities of both. |
Pisces: What is concealed has the power of surprise at least, and what we conceal from ourselves is no exception. Take care that your hidden desires or feelings do not lead you into actions you may later regret. That means shining a light even on concepts that might embarrass you or cause you shame or guilt. When you really examine your insides, however, you are likely to find them in better shape than you perhaps believe: that what you might construe as monstrous is actually human, reasonable, and containing unforeseen treasures to bless your life. Have courage. Switch on that torch. You'll be glad you did. |
Î’m a Libra / Gemini rising. This is just brilliant, Amy, spot on, but with so much air I must admit I have some difficulties shutting down the thought train, except when gardening or painting.😉