Aries In focus: (10) Hygiea – fourth largest asteroid in the Solar System; named for the daughter of Greek healing deity Asklepios. Health, cleanliness, sanitation, hygiene, medical care and healing. Hygiea may signify psychological or emotional hygiene besides physical; working to keep disease of all kinds at bay and to embody a state of wellbeing.
(161) Athor – named for the sky goddess Hathor, a major deity in ancient Egyptian religion. She represented music, dance, joy, love, sexuality, and maternal care, and crossed boundaries between worlds, helping deceased souls in the transition to the afterlife. This asteroid shares its discovery degree with (53311) Deucalion, named for essentially the Greek version of Noah; the Sabian symbol for this degree suggests an insight into deep mysteries, consistent with Hathor's psychopomp role.
Position in event chart: Sesquiquadrate the Full Moon from your sign (and not far from your ruler Mars).
Theano's thoughts: Learning new ways and concepts is an ongoing process. You don't need to push the river, and you do need to take care of your wellbeing consistently, which can include setting aside time to breathe and enjoy being alive. |
Taurus In focus: (49036) Pelion – Uranus-crossing centaur; named for Mount Pelion, the mythological home of the centaurs and also where the Argonauts' quest for the Golden Fleece first set sail. May indicate a sharp learning curve or intimidating endeavour, initiation, status or recognition, hidden dangers, rebellion, or technology.
(120) Lachesis – Main-belt asteroid named for one of the three Moirai or Fates; Lakhesis measured the thread of life (possibly quality as well as quantity), and might have been in charge of the process. May represent interruptions to plans, reassessment, deciding when to call a halt, evaluation of progress, or redirection.
Position in event chart: Both bodies are in late Taurus, conjunct your ruler Venus.
Theano's thoughts: You may feel you're facing a challenging task amid some uncertainty, potentially relating to inner growth or healing. Try to focus on one step at a time and note your progress. Maybe you're further along than you think. |
Gemini In focus: (99942) Apophis – Near-Earth asteroid, part of the Aten group; named for the Ancient Egyptian personification of chaos, often depicted as a giant serpent. Catabolic energy, destruction and subsequent regeneration, environmental risks, forced reorientation.
(195) Eurykleia – Main-belt asteroid named for the faithful nurse of both Odysseus and his son Telemachus. The word "Eurykleia" means "broad fame"; whereas Odysseus' mother was named Antikleia, meaning "anti-fame". The discovery degree Sabian highlights wisdom gained from ancestral tradition; there is also a sense of primordial power.
Position in event chart: Apophis is on the cusp of your sign, and Eurykleia is semi-square your ruler Mercury from late Gemini.
Theano's thoughts: It's possible you'll need to change direction in terms of a relationship (of any sort), in particular your role within the dynamic. Consider whether you might have more to give, or if there's more you need. |
Cancer In focus: (394) Arduina – Located in the central region of the main belt, Arduina is named after the Gaulish goddess Arduenna, who presides over the Ardennes forest. The discovery degree Sabian speaks of discernment between personal and collective values.
(4) Vesta – The second-largest asteroid and one of the brightest. Named for the widely revered Roman goddess of the hearth, whose priestesses tended the perpetual flame in her honour. Represents devotion, dedication, a life of work and service, unusual personal relationships, purification, consistency and deep focus, among other concepts.
Position in event chart: Both are sesquiquadrate the Moon, your ruler, from mid-Cancer.
Theano's thoughts: Potentially, you now have an opportunity to commit (or re-commit) to a specific course of action, long-term project or vocation. You may wish to outline for yourself an ideal routine or regular set of tasks. |
Leo In focus: (52975) Cyllarus – Centaur whose orbit crosses Uranus and Neptune. Named for a young, beautiful, golden-haired centaur who dearly loved his wife Hylonome. He died in the battle with the Lapiths and she subsequently killed herself on the same spear. Related concepts may include pride in one's identity or background, correcting errors or accidents, learning to consider others, caution in decision-making, artistic and sensual expression, body art.
(5) Astraea, (588) Achilles, (896) Sphinx – see event summary at top.
Position in event chart: Sextiling the Sun, your ruler, from early Leo.
Theano's thoughts: Regarding any current creative ideas, it might be worth recognising especially how physical movement is involved or how the art can manifest as an end result. Focusing on this aspect could offer inspiration. |
Virgo In focus: (31) Euphrosyne – Young, large and round asteroid; named for one of the three Kharites (Graces), the goddess of merriment, good cheer and joy. Likely represents these ideas astrologically.
(1685) Toro – Near Earth asteroid, possible source of the first meteorite confirmed to have struck a human (in November 1954). Named after the wife of Samuel Herrick: an American astronomer who specialised in celestial mechanics and rocket navigation, and carried out important work in preparation for human space flight. May represent the art of delicate manoeuvring; also muscular strength and hard work, competitiveness, survival, the drive to get what one wants.
Position in event chart: On the cusp of your sign.
Theano's thoughts: In terms of anything you might be seeking, it can help to remember that cultivating certain attitudes or qualities within, or delving into your accumulated stores of wisdom, may aid you in obtaining your wish. |
Libra In focus: (701) Oriola – Outer main belt asteroid with high albedo; named for a species of bird, the Eurasian golden oriole (Oriolus oriolus), which has distinctive bright yellow plumage. Sabian of discovery degree refers to iridescence and natural creativity, though also perceiving hidden gifts, which accords with the discovery nodal signature.
(12) Victoria – Large main-belt asteroid, possibly binary. Officially named for the Roman goddess of victory (but also possibly in honour of Queen Victoria). The Roman deity was associated with Bellōna and specifically determined who would be successful in war; the discovery Sabian is indicative of identifying oneself with, participating in, or absorption by a greater whole or collective.
Position in event chart: Sextile the lunation from early in your sign.
Theano's thoughts: Be clear with yourself, at least, about what you are looking to accomplish. There are the crude and obvious markers of success; but it's almost always worth looking beyond these, towards soul growth. |
Scorpio In focus: (742) Edisona – Main-belt asteroid and part of the Eos family; named for the prolific American inventor Thomas Edison. The discovery Sabian and nodal associations are suggestive particularly of the self-actualising power of creativity, possibly casting invention as a form of art, and also absorption within one's craft.
(31824) Elatus – Red centaur, named for a mythological centaur who was hit in the arm by Herakles' arrow. The arrow travelled through his arm and then also accidentally hit Chiron. May be linked to, among other subjects, communication, confusion, the ability to escape from difficulty, the eternal child, creative and/or ego expression.
Position in event chart: Both are square your modern ruler Pluto from your sign.
Theano's thoughts: If the resources you need are proving somewhat elusive, try looking for inventive and unusual ways to acquire them; and don't forget to ask others for help. You most likely know already who will have your back. |
Sagittarius In focus: (944) Hidalgo – First centaur to be discovered. Named for Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, a Catholic priest, who led the Mexican War of Independence beginning in 1810. Per minor-planet astrologer Amable, Hidalgo is an old Spanish word amalgamated from the phrase "Hijo de algo", meaning the son of someone wealthy but untitled. May represent imperative action, advocacy, assertion, the need for resourcefulness and forethought, ideology in government, masculinity with or without machismo.
(1181) Lilith – see event summary at top.
Position in event chart: Hidalgo is on the cusp of your sign, and Lilith is conjunct the Full Moon.
Theano's thoughts: Autonomy and independence are precious to you, and rightly so; but do not exclude co-operation entirely. You can shine just as brightly in a group as alone, and perhaps your collective light may reach yet further. |
Capricorn In focus: (168) Sibylla – Outer main belt asteroid, part of the Cybele group; named for the Ancient Greek oracles known as the Sibyls. May relate to prophecy and/or divine inspiration; the discovery Sabian and associated bodies give added possible elements of spiritual/divine guidance, protection and intense, dedicated work (perhaps encompassing the combined ingredients that can lead to success and distinction).
(96) Aegle – Outer main belt asteroid, Aegle family. Named for one of the Hesperides, the goddess-nymphs of evening and the golden light of sunsets, who were tasked with guarding Hera's tree of golden apples. The discovery Sabian highlights this act of service; the nodal signature is shared with (2878) Panacea, which is interesting as Aigle was also the name of a daughter of Asklepios, so possibly the healing element is present also.
Position in event chart: Sextile your ruler, Saturn, from Capricorn.
Theano's thoughts: Pay attention to your instincts. If one concept in particular seems to absorb most of your energy, try checking how far that's really necessary before committing all your strength. Look for anything you might have missed. |
Aquarius In focus: (446) Aeternitas – High albedo main-belt asteroid named for the Ancient Roman divine personification of eternity. May symbolise longevity or durability; the discovery Sabian potentially adds experience gained from perseverance leading to new information and potential.
(15810) Arawn – Plutino from inner region of Kuiper belt. Named for the Welsh ruler of the otherworld Annwn. He exchanged realms for a year and a day with the mortal Pwyll, lord of Dyfed, with whom he then became friends. Possible themes include soul searching, intensive exploration of options or ideas, integrity, shyness or social avoidance, sobriety, the core of the issue, knowledge, articulateness.
Position in event chart: On the cusp of your sign.
Theano's thoughts: There is much to be said for the power of perseverance. If you feel discouraged from continuing to pursue a particular aspiration, remind yourself why you began and what it ultimately means to you. |
Pisces In focus: (19) Fortuna – One of the largest main-belt asteroids, named for the Roman personification of luck, who was depicted wearing a blindfold and whose cultural popularity lasted until the Renaissance. Likely to represent the influence of chance, as well as the Wheel of Fortune causing changes in luck; possibly also the philosophical approach to these events.
(39) Laetitia – Main-belt asteroid named after a Roman goddess of gaiety and celebration. Sometimes depicted with an anchor, denoting stability, or a ship's rudder marking her - like Fortuna - as a guide towards prosperity and abundance. The discovery Sabian implies the role of co-operative effort in producing abundance; the similarity of orbit with (2) Pallas may suggest a place for wisdom and strategy also.
Position in event chart: Both conjunct your modern ruler Neptune in late Pisces (and sextile your classical ruler Jupiter).
Theano's thoughts: You are unlikely to be as much at the mercy of chance as you think. It'll probably help to focus on making the best of what you currently have available; meanwhile, keep your eyes open for opportunities. |
SO GOOD!!! Mazel Tov, Ms. Elliott. Beautifully written and conceived, and surely apropos to this lunation, in terms of mundane (and personal) dynamics.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun, beautiful, and useful way to share this minor planet info for this Full Moon! May it be of great service to many. <3
ReplyDeleteMindblowing. And so cool! Thank you so much for doing this!
ReplyDeleteThank you all ❤️