Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Gemini New Moon 2024: Minor Planet Report

Basic details and main features

Gemini New Moon (Moon conjunct Sun), 6th June 2024 at 12:37:31 UTC, 16+ Gemini
Venus is conjunct the New Moon at 16+ Gemini
New Moon is sesquiquadrate Pluto at 1+ Aquarius

Introduction page | Jump to chart image | Jump to report by sign

Some minor planets involved

Conjunct Moon and Sun
  • (29) Amphitrite – Large, stony asteroid named for the Greek sea goddess and wife of Poseidon; when she at first refused his advances he sent the dolphin god Delphin as his messenger, who persuaded her to agree to the marriage. Waves/being washed away[1], "tides of fate and fortune"[2] or "the evaluation phase of a relationship"[3] – in addition, the discovery degree Sabian draws attention to the life-giving property of water, possibly both to quench thirst and as the necessary ingredient for most living things to survive and procreate.
  • (227) Philosophia – Named for the subject of study. May relate simply to philosophy itself, or (broadly) spiritual practices[4]; the Sabian and other associations imply the act of cognitive exploration as a form of preparatory skill or foresight, as well as the importance of joy to our existence.
  • (413) Edburga – Exact name origin is unknown, but there were a number of Saxon women by this name alive between the 7th and 10th centuries, some of whom became saints[5]. Two themes stand out from the correspondences: the Sabian speaks of the will and its role in shaping character; the closest resonance match is with (14) Irene, one of the Horai, goddess of peace and the season of spring, who is also connected to abundance. Potentially the reconciliation of these lies in making the best of what one is given.
  • (639) Latona – Roman name for Leto, the mother of Artemis and Apollo; member of the Eos family of asteroids in the outer main belt. Associations are indicative of the aura of nobility, blessedness and dignity characteristic of Leto in myth. The discovery Sabian likewise speaks of beatitude. Her very nature seems to command respect and reverence.

Conjunct Pluto

  • (446) Aeternitas – High albedo main-belt asteroid named for the Ancient Roman divine personification of eternity, who was also associated with the Imperial cult as a virtue of the Roman emperor, and with Rome itself[6]. She wears a circular diadem. May symbolise immortality, longevity or durability[7]; the discovery Sabian perhaps adds experience gained from perseverance leading to new information and potential. Interestingly, this asteroid shares many orbital resonances with (68) Leto, the Greek version of Latona mentioned above.

Theano's thoughts

It's pretty rare that a utopian or paradisaical situation just appears out of nowhere. An abundance of work, preparation and thought must facilitate both its creation and its maintenance. There are always tasks to perform and battles to fight on behalf of what is good; and as we humans tend to be resistant to change, progress can be frustratingly slow. But the idea of a better world is so vivid and so profound that one instinctively feels it worth striving for. Peace, plenty, ubiquitous compassion and universal love are concepts that will always be present to the imagination, however distant they might seem; and fortunately, we are each capable of bringing humanity closer, even by the tiniest steps, towards that existence. May we never cease to do so until the dream is realised.

1) Mark Andrew Holmes: Amphitrite
2) Neptune's Aura Astrology: Asteroid Amphitrite
3) Amable: (29) Amphitrite
4) TAKE: Asteroids in Astrology
5) Wikipedia: Edburga
6) Oxford Classical Dictionary: Aeternitas
7) Mark Andrew Holmes: Aeternitas

Chart for the Gemini New Moon showing the solar sign as first house.

Minor planet report by sign

For more details on the objects featured below, please see my links page, check out this index on Wikipedia, or contact me using the form at the end of this post.

Fractal glyph for the sign Aries. Aries
In focus:
(107) Camilla – Large asteroid from the outermost edge of the asteroid belt and member of the Sylvia family. Most likely named for the character in Virgil's Aeneid: an Amazon loyal to Diana who fought against Aeneas and was eventually killed in battle. Her swiftness as a runner was comparable to Atalante's. Amable relates this asteroid to "development opportunities, which...solve the problem of exclusion".
(402) Chloë – Main belt asteroid and member of the Barbarian family, named for a mythological Greek shepherdess; her name also means 'blooming' or 'fertility'. Several associations involve questions of identity; the name Chloë is itself an epithet of Demeter.
Position in event chart: Camilla is sextile the New Moon from mid-Aries; Chloë conjoins your ruler Mars in late Aries.
Theano's thoughts: Remember that as an intelligent being you contain multitudes, some of which can seemingly contradict one another, but are nonetheless valid. Make space for the whole of you.
Fractal glyph for the sign Taurus. Taurus
In focus:
(540) Rosamunde – Main-belt asteroid and member of the Flora family; named for the titular character in the play Rosamunde, Princess of Cyprus, best known for the music composed by Schubert. The story concerns the attempt of Rosamunde to reclaim her throne amid efforts to thwart her; she eventually succeeds. The discovery Sabian refers to secret motives being unmasked (as her rival's are in the play); seems suggestive of the saving power of truth and rectitude.
(567) Eleutheria – Main-belt asteroid; named after the Ancient Greek term for, and personification of, liberty. In Ancient Greece, Eleutheria was also an epithet for the goddess Artemis. The Sabian and nodal associations both allude to liberty as increased opportunity, and the question of how we might best use our freedom.
Position in event chart: Both are semi-sextile Venus (and the New Moon) from mid-Taurus.
Theano's thoughts: We tend to think of resources as firmly solid, material assets, but there are others: among them free will, time, adaptability, wisdom, courage. When dealing with an unfamiliar situation, any of these might come in useful.
Fractal glyph for the sign Gemini. Gemini
In focus:
(369) Aëria – Parent body of the Aeria family in the main belt; named for the Western classical element of Air, with associations that emphasise the creative, inventive and mutable qualities usually attributed to said element.
(3811) Karma – Parent body of the Karma family in the main belt; name refers to the ancient Indian philosophical principle of cause and effect. Current interpretations run much along these lines, though Neptune's Aura Astrology also notes that at times our choices can be limited by circumstance. (It should perhaps be mentioned that the manifestation of karma is often far from simplistic despite how it tends to be portrayed; I may expand on this idea at some point.)
Position in event chart: Both conjoin your ruler Mercury in early Gemini.
Theano's thoughts: Do justice to yourself through actions and values that honour who you are at your very core. This may well include speaking up if you know you have something important to say.
Fractal glyph for the sign Cancer. Cancer
In focus:
(273) Atropos – Typical main-belt asteroid named for one of the Three Fates, whose role was to cut the thread at the end of a person's life. May relate to endings, transformations, inflexibility, repetitive action, completion or what is needed to conclude.
(307) Nike – Sizeable main-belt asteroid; name refers to the Greek goddess of victory (in any field, including sports and competitions). She attended both Zeus and Athene, and was among their attributes as well. Sabian and other associations draw on the skills and capacities required to achieve one's aims.
Position in event chart: Both are on the cusp of your sign.
Theano's thoughts: If you're preparing to let go of a specific factor or phase of your life, make sure you've done everything needful to allow for full and healthy closure, so that once achieved you can move forward.
Fractal glyph for the sign Leo. Leo
In focus:
(624) Hektor – Largest Jupiter Trojan and namesake of the Hektor family; dark and reddish in colour. One of two asteroids 'misplaced' in the wrong camp (it's located in the 'Greek' region). Hektor was a prince and commander of the Trojan army, whose courage and humanity were evident in the Iliad. May signify "hectoring" as well as bravery.
(911) Agamemnon – One of the largest Jupiter trojans and a suspected binary asteroid, named for the king of Mycenae, brother of Menelaus, and commander of the Greek army. While the Greeks were eventually successful, Agamemnon's conduct during the war arguably led to his downfall and much suffering. May imply leadership, therefore, but also self-destructive actions or their consequences.
Position in event chart: Semi-square the New Moon from early Leo.
Theano's thoughts: Where particular facets of your community or social world appear to be at variance, look closer; things are probably not quite as they seem, and there could be an as yet undiscovered source of reconciliation.
Fractal glyph for the sign Virgo. Virgo
In focus:
(100) Hekate – Main-belt asteroid and member of the Hecuba group. Named after the Greek goddess of witchcraft but also to mark it as the hundredth discovered asteroid ('hekaton' is Greek for one hundred). May represent (among other qualities) magic, guidance, intuition, liminality and portals, crossroads and passages. Smiljana Gavrančić notes that "Hades, Persephone, Hermes and Hecate are the only beings who could go in and out of the underworld."
(118) Peitho – Main-belt asteroid named for the goddess of persuasion and seduction, one of the three Graces. Likely to indicate the various qualities that facilitate persuasion, including eloquence, appearance, strength of will, intelligence or charisma.
Position in event chart: Both are on the cusp of Virgo.
Theano's thoughts: Don't underestimate your skill. What you have to offer is likely more valuable than you realise; play to your strengths, make use of your intuition, and persist through your doubts.
Fractal glyph for the sign Libra. Libra
In focus:
(713) Luscinia – Resident of the outer main belt, named for the nightingale genus. The Sabian refers to reconstruction and the links between the conscious and collective unconscious, which perhaps alludes to the healing and inspiring power of beauty or music. Other connections emphasise the nightingale as a symbol of romance.
(1170) Siva – Mars-crossing asteroid and member of the Phocaea family, named for the Hindu god of destruction and transformation. While part of the major Hindu trinity that includes Brahma and Vishnu, there is a tradition in which he is the supreme being. The asteroid has been linked to sound and listening, as well as the catabolic process, dissolution, stagnation versus regeneration, and purification.
Position in event chart: Luscinia is trine Venus and the New Moon from Libra; Siva is on the cusp of Libra.
Theano's thoughts: You possess a natural instinct for what is good and beautiful; following its lead is often a surer path to the Divine for you than many other methods. Trust your capacity to love; it's a gift.
Fractal glyph for the sign Scorpio. Scorpio
In focus:
(59) Elpis – Large main-belt carbonaceous asteroid, named for the spirit of hope. In Hesiod's Works and Days, Elpis was the last item in Pandora's box (or jar). Elpis may represent either hope or expectation; the Sabian and other associations allude to new beginnings (and presumably the hope contained therein).
(136108) Haumea – A plutoid, a dwarf planet beyond Neptune's orbit, with an elliptical shape; the third-largest known trans-Neptunian object after Eris and Pluto. Named for the Hawai'ian goddess of childbirth, and generally interpreted along those lines. Amable adds emotional awareness and collective interaction.
Position in event chart: Elpis is square your modern ruler Pluto from early Scorpio; Haumea is on the cusp of your sign.
Theano's thoughts: Your sign is reputed for its readiness to gaze into the abyss and dig out its secrets; note this also means you have more practice at looking right through it to the fresh light and promise beyond, and drawing that energy forth.
Fractal glyph for the sign Sagittarius. Sagittarius
In focus:
(627) Charis – Outer main belt resident and parent of the Charis family, named after the personification of grace and beauty, one of the three Graces or Kharites. The Sabian and other links evoke active movement towards the state of grace, rather than simply being there.
(1181) Lilith – Metallic asteroid from the middle region of the main belt, named for gifted French composer Lili Boulanger (1893-1918), nickname evokes the mythological first wife of Adam. Separation, rejection, gender equality, intelligence and right-brain talents, the hidden/deeper self, "the destruction of rationalizations", emotional/instinctive responses to sexual stimuli.
Position in event chart: Charis conjoins your ruler Jupiter in Gemini; Lilith is on the cusp of Sagittarius.
Theano's thoughts: Equality goes both ways, and maintaining a truly egalitarian relationship takes work. Ensure you communicate your needs clearly, and listen carefully to loved ones in return.
Fractal glyph for the sign Capricorn. Capricorn
In focus:
(94) Aurora – One of the largest main-belt asteroids, very dark and carbonaceous. Named for the goddess of the dawn who had several mortal lovers. The discovery Sabian implies her power of daily self-regeneration; other indicators allude to the limits of natural and mortal power, as well as the 'light show' phenomenon of aurorae.
(7066) Nessus – Very red centaur discovered in 1993 by Spacewatch; named for the mythological centaur who was killed by Herakles (and posthumously killed him with his poisoned blood, in planned revenge). Attributions may include boundaries and their violation (and the healing of resulting wounds), communication, abuse of power, revenge, generational trauma, and disease versus cure.
Position in event chart: Both are conjunct your ruler Saturn in Pisces.
Theano's thoughts: It might be tempting to sweep an ongoing issue under the rug, but these matters have a way of being persistently disruptive. Take time to find a constructive and thorough resolution.
Fractal glyph for the sign Aquarius. Aquarius
In focus:
(76) Freia – Very large asteroid from the Cybele group in the outer main belt, named for the Norse goddess of love, sex, beauty, war and death, among other qualities. May represent "harness[ing] our unique powers as both lover and fighter in our own lives" (per RM Farrar); choosing one's battles, wisdom, rewards of loyalty, magic, sexuality, evaluation and partnership.
(351) Yrsa – Typical main-belt asteroid named for a tragic heroine in Norse literature. She was known for both beauty and wisdom. Connections are suggestive of resilience, grace and power behind the scenes.
Position in event chart: Freia is trine the New Moon from your sign; Yrsa squares your modern ruler Uranus from late Aquarius.
Theano's thoughts: If you're running into frustrations or blocks on a project, look for where your perspective seems resistant to change. Then deliberately seek out a contrasting point of view. This should open some doors.
Fractal glyph for the sign Pisces. Pisces
In focus:
(357) Ninina – Large main-belt asteroid, name origin unknown. The discovery Sabian speaks of inner strength and invisible help; associations include allusions to battle, memory and the tides of fortune.
(533) Sara – Main-belt asteroid named after a friend of the discoverer. Indications may relate to devotion, ritual or magic, wisdom, truth, symbolism and steadfastness.
Position in event chart: Ninina squares your classical ruler Jupiter and Sara conjoins your modern ruler Neptune, both from Pisces.
Theano's thoughts: You may be anxious to leave behind certain aspects of the past; during this process, it's worth bearing in mind everything you learned or gained from your experiences. Likely there's a good deal to contemplate.

1 comment:

  1. This is such a unique, well-researched, and beautiful project! I love that you offer such succinct themes for each minor object, and concise thoughts for each sign to contemplate at the New Moon. Well done!


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