Thursday, June 20, 2024

Capricorn Full Moon June 2024: Minor Planet Report

Basic details and main features

Capricorn Full Moon (Moon opposite Sun), 22nd June 2024, 01:07:40 UTC, 1+ Capricorn-1+ Cancer. (Note: this is the first of two Full Moons in Capricorn this year; the second will be on 21st July, in the final degrees of the respective signs.)
Lunation takes place close to cardinal points; Sun conjunct the centaur (8405) Asbolus within 3', and other minors

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Some minor planets involved

Conjunct Sun
  • (127) Johanna – Large main-belt asteroid named for Jeanne d'Arc, the young Frenchwoman who became a national hero defending her country against the English. The asteroid shares its discovery degree with Chiron, and its correspondences involve numerous similarly honourable and pivotal figures, apparently serving to associate it more closely to its namesake.
  • (968) Petunia – Main-belt asteroid named after the flower genus, which is related to tobacco, tomatoes and chilli peppers, among others. These and other connections are suggestive of a Martial or combative aspect; there is also a fertility element expressed through the discovery degree.
  • (8405) Asbolus – Centaur crossing the orbits of Saturn and Uranus; the mythical creature was a seer who predicted the critical battle with the Lapiths but, once intoxicated by the smell of Herakles' wine, also led the other centaurs towards it and thus helped cause the fight. The name Asbolos means 'sooty' or 'carbon dust'. Various sources[1] offer indications including: intuition, psychic ability, seriousness, intensity, mysteries, difficulty receiving compliments or advice, pessimism, heaviness, solidity and consistency.
  • (19521) Chaos – Kuiper belt object, possibly a dwarf planet, named for the Greek concept of the primordial void. Themes may include unlimited potential[2], anarchy, disarray[3], "spiritual laws that support personal freedom and free will"[4], Robin Hood style figures[5], orderliness amid confusion, and mellowness[6].

Square Moon and Sun (1+ Aries)

  • (34) Circe – Large main-belt asteroid; Kirke was a mythical sorceress who could turn men into beasts, mentioned in the Odyssey. May relate to seduction, enchantment, helpful advice[7], retreat from society, personal boundaries, natural healing[8], herbal wisdom[9], rescue and the facilitator role[10].
  • (66652) Borasisi – Cubewano named for a fictional deity in Kurt Vonnegut's novel Cat's Cradle. May represent deception, illusion, "the dangers of technological excess"[11], leadership, rejection, exclusivity[12], a confidence game[13], "the untruths that make one happy"[14], communication, spin, fabrication[15].

Theano's thoughts

Reality is a complex phenomenon. It often admits facts that can seem wholly incompatible; it can sometimes make little to no sense at all. To be properly understood, it must be seen both in the context of the past and in terms of present ideals; both in its glories and in its flaws. We humans (especially those of us in paler hues) have a tendency to oversimplify matters for our own convenience, and to fit the perspective we trust.

It would appear this moment requires us as far as possible to abandon that habit, and to see with clear eyes the rich and intricate, the raw and sophisticated, the harrowing, infuriating, edifying and beautiful truth of the world. We are called to reach an honest understanding, both of ourselves and of our environment, shorn of exaggeration and obfuscation. This should sharpen our vision, allowing us to act with maximal wisdom and integrity in the decisions and challenges ahead.

1) Alex Miller: Asbolus 8405, Mark Andrew Holmes: Asbolus, TAKE: Asteroids in Astrology, Philip Sedgwick: New Dwarf Planets, Eris, Sedna, Centaurs & More, Benjamin Adamah: Asbolus Astrology
2) Alex Miller: Chaos 19521
3) Mark Andrew Holmes: Chaos
4) Amable: (19521) Chaos
5) Zane Stein: Chaos
6) Philip Sedgwick (ibid.)
7) Alex Miller: Circe 34
8) TAKE (ibid.)
9) Kirsti Melto: Full Moon in Leo – January 27, 2013
10) Martha Lang-Wescott: Basic Resources
11) Alex Miller: Borasisi 66652
12) Mark Andrew Holmes: Borasisi
13) Amable: (66652) Borasisi
14) Kirsti Melto: Vernal Equinox – March 20, 2023
15) Philip Sedgwick (ibid.)

Chart for the first 2024 Capricorn Full Moon, showing the solar sign as first house.

Minor planet report by sign

For more details on the objects featured below, please see my links page, check out this index on Wikipedia, or contact me using the form at the end.

Fractal glyph for the sign Aries. Aries
In focus:
(133) Cyrene – Very bright main-belt object from the Hecuba group. Kyrene was a princess of Thessaly, one of the Lapiths; a famed huntress who guarded the herds on Mount Pelion. Apollo fell in love with her while she was wrestling a lion. Their son Aristaios, nurtured by Chiron, became a demi-god of beekeeping and similar pursuits. Cyrene therefore has quite a Leonine/Strength feel (discovery south node is in Leo also), with the Sabian discussing creativity and inspiration.
(318) Magdalena – Main-belt asteroid named to honour Mary Magdalene, a pivotal figure in the Gospels. May represent a connection to religion, the divine feminine, commitment and affinity to a group cause, inner changes prompted by small signs or miracles.
Position in event chart: Both are conjunct your ruler Mars in Taurus.
Theano's thoughts: It seems the time has come to banish self-doubt. Your qualities and skills are evident; they speak for themselves. Feel free to put those fears to one side and press ahead with your current projects.
Fractal glyph for the sign Taurus. Taurus
In focus:
(232) Russia – Main-belt asteroid named after Russia (following discovery in the late 19th century), amid the rise of socialist movements. The emperor at the time, Alexander III, was an autocrat who reversed some liberal reforms and wished to homogenise Russian culture. Astrological links include to judgment and justice, Virgoan themes, rebellion against established norms, and female power.
(15760) Albion – Cubewano, whose former moniker 1992 QB1 gave this category of bodies its title. Albion has an almost perfectly circular orbit, and was the first TNO beyond Pluto ever discovered. Its present name derives from the primordial Man in William Blake's mythology, who divides himself into four parts, each representing a significant aspect of human character. Could indicate taking a stand, transformative experiences, a door leading to the unknown, rites of passage and acts of releasing, maverick energy, and completion of a mission.
Position in event chart: Both are sesquiquadrate the Full Moon from mid-Taurus.
Theano's thoughts: Orthodoxy and accepted norms can bring potent social pressures to bear; this does not make them right or true. Pay attention to your instincts, and keep an open mind. You understand more than you might realise.
Fractal glyph for the sign Gemini. Gemini
In focus:
(120) Lachesis – Main-belt asteroid named for one of the three Moirai or Fates; Lakhesis measured the thread of life (possibly quality as well as quantity), and might have been in charge of the process. Possibly indicates interruptions to plans, reassessment, deciding when to call a halt, evaluation of progress, or redirection.
(238) Hypatia – Very large C-type main-belt asteroid. Hypatia was a 4th-5th century CE neoplatonist philosopher, astronomer and mathematician living in Alexandria. She befriended Pagans and Christians alike, but during a political feud and following a smear campaign against her, a Christian mob murdered her. Correspondences include intelligence, courage amid trials, individual strengths and (according to Amable) unique academic styles.
Position in event chart: Both are semi-sextile your ruler Mercury from Gemini.
Theano's thoughts: If certain projects in hand reach a difficult-looking obstacle, don't give up. What you've already achieved, along with your current resources, should provide useful clues to surmounting the challenge.
Fractal glyph for the sign Cancer. Cancer
In focus:
(60) Echo – Main-belt asteroid named for one of the Oreiades, who kept Hera away by talking incessantly, while Zeus was, um, Zeusing with her fellow nymphs. Hera's punishment for this deception was to remove her control over her tongue, so that she could only speak in an echo of others. May relate to standing by, verbosity, mindless agreement, repetition, sonar or radar, yielding power, active listening and reinforcing conversation.
(269) Justitia – Very red main-belt asteroid, which may have formed initially in the outer Solar System; named for the Roman goddess of justice. She may have been viewed more as a symbolic personification than a deity in her own right. Alongside the obvious associations, Amable suggests this asteroid represents a "capability to progressively reveal the truth"; the Sabian brings to mind the dramatic performances seen in adversarial system courtrooms.
Position in event chart: On the cusp of your sign.
Theano's thoughts: Needing time to consider an idea or proposal, however good it might appear on the surface, is perfectly reasonable. Your judgment is quite capable of reaching a decision, regardless of any external pressure.
Fractal glyph for the sign Leo. Leo
In focus:
(5) Astraea – Large S-type bright main-belt asteroid, named for the virgin goddess of justice, innocence, purity and precision. Not to be confused with Asteria, the goddess of the stars, in myth she became the constellation Virgo, and her scales Libra; she was also the last of the gods to reside among humans, and may return some day, bringing with her a second Golden Age. Astrologically, this body might represent balance, justice, innocence, idealism, vision and what is seen, fair trade, persistence, renaissance, difficulty letting go.
(128) Nemesis – Large main-belt C-type asteroid with a relatively slow rotation (about 78 hours). Namesake of the Nemesian asteroid family; Greek goddess who personifies retribution for the sin of hubris. Possibly indicates self-undoing, changes of fortune, karma, credit where it's due, reconciliation, scapegoating, blame, conscience, right action, respecting natural laws.
Position in event chart: Both are semi-square the Sun (and sesquiquadrate the Moon) from mid-Leo.
Theano's thoughts: You might want to be on guard against the potential for burnout. Keep an eye on your wellbeing, and take breaks when you need to. Conscientiousness is a wonderful quality; but remember, you're the only copy of you.
Fractal glyph for the sign Virgo. Virgo
In focus:
(24) Themis – One of the largest main-belt asteroids and parent of the Themistian family. Named for the Titan goddess of divine law and order; as an instructor of humanity in this area, she also presided over ancient oracles, including Delphi. She served as a counsellor of Zeus. May relate to law, order, judgment, intuition, coherence in actions or communications, respected wisdom, fairness.
(4581) Asclepius – Near-Earth small asteroid discovered after passing very close to our planet in March 1989. Named for the god of medicine and patron of doctors, raised by Chiron; eventually became the constellation Ophiuchus. May represent healing of all kinds (physical or psychological) and one's beliefs regarding the matter, hospitals, medicine and doctors, shamans, alternative care, the inner healer.
Position in event chart: Themis is conjunct your ruler Mercury; Asclepius sextiles both from Virgo.
Theano's thoughts: Expressing oneself in the public eye to any degree can feel intimidating; however, unique creations and perspectives are always needed. You have something to say worth hearing; take courage and speak.
Fractal glyph for the sign Libra. Libra
In focus:
(287) Nephthys – Main-belt asteroid named for the Egyptian goddess, sister to Isis, Osiris and Set. She was associated with mourning/death, darkness and night, temple service, childbirth, protection, magic, health, embalming and beer. Indications may include devotion, navigating the astral, magic, death and rebirth, drawing out potential, seeing hidden gifts (from Neptune's Aura Astrology: "where Isis creates, Nephthys nurtures to fruition").
(346889) Rhiphonos – Centaur discovered in August 2009, named for the mythical figure who, according to Nonnus, led his fellow centaurs alongside Dionysos in a campaign against India. May suggest roaming or wandering, physical distance, broad-mindedness, problem/conflict solving, growth, taking responsibility (or not doing so), boundaries, protection, caring for others.
Position in event chart: Nephthys is conjunct your ruler Venus, with Rhiphonos squaring from Libra.
Theano's thoughts: When working away, travelling or just unusually busy, we can sometimes feel disoriented. If actually going home isn't on the cards, checking in with loved ones could provide a helpful sense of grounding.
Fractal glyph for the sign Scorpio. Scorpio
In focus:
(197) Arete – Main-belt asteroid that makes a close approach to (4) Vesta every 18 years. Named for a character in Homer's Odyssey, a descendant of Poseidon known for her intelligence, leadership and hospitality. Arete is also one of the virtues in Hellenic faith, that of excellence in one's field. Astrological relationships include elemental and natural forces (such as wind and water), seasons, youth and peace.
(1866) Sisyphus – Near-Earth binary asteroid, largest member of the Apollo group. Sisyphus was a king of Ephyra who was famously punished for cheating death by being forced to push a huge boulder up a hill and almost reach the top, only for it to roll back down. May represent repetition or a sense of endless/continuous work, persistence, starting over, reviewing ostensibly complete work, exploration of fresh possibilities, unwillingness to accept defeat.
Position in event chart: Arete opposes your traditional ruler Mars from Scorpio; Sisyphus is on the cusp of your sign.
Theano's thoughts: Learning a new skill or subject takes time and can occasionally feel like endless work, until the results of the effort eventually become apparent. Have patience, especially with yourself. You'll get there soon enough.
Fractal glyph for the sign Sagittarius. Sagittarius
In focus:
(62) Erato – Outer main belt asteroid, member of the Themis family. Erato was the Muse of erotic poetry, lyric poetry and mime, who "charms the sight" in the Orphic hymn. Diodorus Siculus wrote that "she makes those who are instructed by her men who are desired and worthy to be loved". May be linked with these arts astrologically, though correspondences also indicate thinking futuristically, reviewing a perspective and fresh ideas, perhaps as inspired by creative gifts or works.
(580) Selene – Outer main belt asteroid orbiting the Sun almost midway between Mars and Jupiter, named for the personification of the Moon, who was later identified with Artemis. Various astrological links point to an association with water, and others with internal integration that bolsters creative ability.
Position in event chart: Erato is on the cusp of your sign; Selene semi-sextiles the Full Moon from Sagittarius.
Theano's thoughts: Make use of the close relationship between your physical and emotional wellbeing. If you're puzzled by a response in either sphere, self-care activities supporting both will most likely be of aid.
Fractal glyph for the sign Capricorn. Capricorn
In focus:
(130) Elektra – Large quadruple system (has three moons) in the main belt. Elektra was the daughter of Agamemnon and Klytaemnestra, who helped her brother Orestes kill their mother and her lover Aegisthus in revenge for their father's murder. May represent unpredictability, persuasive power, intelligence, mourning, surviving, unorthodox action, resistance to oppression, self-protective postures.
(370) Modestia – Probably a typical main-belt asteroid, named for "the quality of modesty, the freedom from conceit or vanity", and likely connected with this concept astrologically, alongside the feeling or desire of not standing out; associations add the ideas of potential and perhaps excellence, which tend to make themselves felt regardless of attitude.
Position in event chart: Both are sextile your ruler Saturn from Capricorn.
Theano's thoughts: Loved ones tend to cherish us most for the characteristics that make us unique. However pressed you might feel to blend in with the crowd, remember that you shine more brightly as your authentic self.
Fractal glyph for the sign Aquarius. Aquarius
In focus:
(952) Caia – Background asteroid in the main belt, named for Callina or Lygia, the heroine of the novel Quo Vadis by Henryk Sienkiewicz. Lygia is a Christian who is persecuted and nearly killed by the emperor Nero. She herself is fictional but the story contains several historical characters. Connections suggest the role of co-operation in securing one's desires.
(47171) Lempo – Plutino; trinary system with moons Paha and Hiisi. Lempo was initially a Finnish goddess of love, lust, fertility and fire; possibly also a psychopomp. She was demonised by the invading Christians, and her name is now a mild form of curse word. This distortion and smearing of what is benign seems to have carried over into Lempo's astrological indications; others may include erratic or capricious action, love and fertility, imposition, and the value of differing perspectives.
Position in event chart: Caia is semi-square the Full Moon from mid-Aquarius; Lempo is conjunct your modern ruler Uranus.
Theano's thoughts: Intuition may be key to translating the stirrings of your soul, especially if you're partly inclined to dismiss your immediate reactions. However strange they might seem, they occur for a reason. It's worth looking deeper.
Fractal glyph for the sign Pisces. Pisces
In focus:
(423) Diotima – Large asteroid named for Diotima of Mantinea, a priestess who was listed as one of Socrates's teachers in Plato's Symposium, where she expounds on the nature of love in its various levels of manifestation. Correspondences suggest intelligence and new ways of being; also the importance of clear vision as opposed to prejudice.
(225088) Gonggong – Sixth-farthest known Solar System object, discovered in 2007 and named for a Chinese water god who is depicted in mythology as part human (with red hair), part serpent. He is destructive and is blamed for various cosmic catastrophes, including the Earth's axial tilt. Kirsti Melto believes the astrological meaning is closer to another of this body's proposed names, that of Norse god Vili: "the conscious application of a desired plan consciously arrived at". Other suggestions include social intelligence amid uncertainty, "the group soul of humanity", initiation, rebirth, compassion, compliance, surrender, belief in dharma or karma.
Position in event chart: Both square classical ruler Jupiter from your sign.
Theano's thoughts: Pushing hard for rapid and sweeping change, particularly in a social situation, might lead to unintended disarray. Consider instead working for one goal at a time, while involving and listening to others.

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