Monday, July 22, 2024

Capricorn Full Moon July 2024: Minor Planet Report

Basic details and main features

Full Moon in Capricorn (Moon opposite Sun), 21st July 2024 at 10:17 UTC, 29+ Capricorn/Cancer

Here we are with the second of two Capricorn Full Moons, in the final (anaretic) degree of the respective signs, with the Moon also sextile Neptune at the end of Pisces. The energy in this area can feel unsettling and somewhat volatile, as we are in the process of shifting from one sign to the next. That said, it can be useful for tying up loose ends, and bringing matters to a satisfactory conclusion. If Neptune makes you feel rather off-balance or confused, take as much time as you need to find and/or ground yourself. The important things in life are rarely instantaneous.

One other configuration stands out in this chart: a Finger of the World (see this page for an in-depth discussion of this and other aspect patterns) between Mercury, Uranus and Ceres. This aspect pattern contrasts with the Finger of God, or Yod, in that the latter indicates a sense of fatedness or unavoidable events, whereas the former relates to what we can do for ourselves. Potentially, the combination of these planets is suggestive of how we can use our minds, intellect and/or inventive means to nourish and nurture our wellbeing.

Introduction page | Jump to chart image | Jump to report by sign

Some minor planets involved

Conjunct Moon at 29+ Capricorn:
  • (40) Harmonia – Main-belt asteroid, named for the child of Aphrodite and Ares; she presided over both marital and martial harmony, and was considered the opposite of Eris. The name was chosen to mark the end of the Crimean War, which was concluded on the date of discovery. Astrological attributes may include cosmic harmony, rebirth, peace and/or the obstacles to peace, excellence, or constructive creativity.
  • (114) Kassandra – Large, dark asteroid belonging to the rare spectral class T; Kassandra was a Trojan prophet and devotee of Apollo, who, when she refused his advances, cursed her that her prophecies would never be believed. May represent prophecy and foreknowledge, issues with belief, credibility or trustworthiness[1], brave actions that are known intuitively to be right[2], the ability to follow advice, caution about what others say, difficulties being heard[3], areas in which we're disbelieved[4], advice and consent, lecturing, auditory sensitivity[5].
  • (15810) Arawn – Plutino from inner region of Kuiper belt. Named for the Welsh ruler of the otherworld Annwn; he exchanged realms for a year and a day with the mortal Pwyll, lord of Dyfed, with whom he then became friends. Possible themes include intensive exploration of options or ideas[6], soul searching[7], integrity, shyness or social avoidance, sobriety, the core of the issue[8], knowledge, articulateness[9].

Square Full Moon at 29+ Aries:

  • (275) Sapientia – Very large C-type main-belt asteroid, named for the Roman personification of wisdom. Associations indicate themes specifically surrounding the dissemination of knowledge, art, exploration and return to base, prognostication and progress, alongside wisdom itself.

Joining the Finger of the World configuration:

  • (9) Metis – Conjunct Mercury at 26+ Leo. Large asteroid composed of silicate and nickel-iron, named for the Greek goddess of wisdom and mother of Athene via Zeus (and his head). May represent health and wellness in all areas of life[10], spiritual wisdom and serenity[11], communication, divine inspiration, openness to new experiences informed by emotional responses.
  • (168) Sibylla – Conjunct Ceres at 11+ Capricorn. Large asteroid and member of the Cybele group; likely an oblate spheroid in shape. Named for the Sibyls, famed ancient Greek oracles based at Delphi and elsewhere; may relate to clear-sightedness, progressive thought or foresight, sensitivity and spiritual guidance, memory and the qualities that grant longevity.
  • (870) Manto – Conjunct Uranus at 26+ Taurus. Main-belt asteroid named for the daughter of the seer Tiresias, whose abilities surpassed his. She became a priestess of Apollo and actually founded the Delphic Oracle, seat of the Sibyls. Possible connections include inventiveness, accepting one's limits (as a human), solving problems, skill and precision, and clarity of sight.

Theano's thoughts

When moving into a new phase of existence, delays can feel especially frustrating. Yet it is worth taking time to ensure all outstanding matters are dealt with as far as possible, so that we can avoid past issues repeating themselves. If you feel your patience is being tried, try to keep in mind the destination you're aiming for; the more debris you clear away, the easier the subsequent path becomes. There might be distractions, objections and smokescreens, but ultimately you know what's truly important, and how best to accomplish it. You can place firm trust in that knowledge, and lay your plans accordingly.

1) Alex Miller: Kassandra 114
2) Amable: (114) Kassandra
3) Kirsti Melto: Full Moon in Aries – October 14, 2008
4) Neptune's Aura Astrology: Asteroids Kassandra 114, Helenos 1872 and Pythia 432
5) Martha Lang-Wescott: Basic Resources
6) Amable: (15810) Arawn
7) Kirsti Melto: New Moon in Libra – October 16, 2020
8) Benjamin Adamah: Arawn (1994 JR1)
9) Philip Sedgwick: New Dwarf Planets, Eris, Sedna, Centaurs & More
10) Amable: (9) Metis
11) Neptune's Aura Astrology: Metis 9

Chart for the July 2024 Capricorn Full Moon, with the solar sign as first house.

Minor planet report by sign

For more details on the objects featured below, please see my links page, check out this index on Wikipedia, or contact me using the form at the end.

Fractal glyph for the sign Aries. Aries
In focus:
(52872) Okyrhoe – Centaur whose orbit lies between those of Jupiter and Saturn; the shortest of any centaur. Named for the daughter of Chiron and Chariklo: a seer who was punished by the gods for revealing their secrets to mortals. May represent coping with criticism or unpopularity, standing up for one's principles, speed action, acceleration or potentially impulsive behaviour, ability to speak or lack thereof, revelations, discernment, purification and problem solving.
(90377) Sedna – Dwarf planet located in the distant Oort cloud, with an orbit of over 11,000 years: one of the widest known in the Solar System. Named for the Inuit sea goddess and mother-creator of all marine life. After her father attacks her, she sinks into the depths and takes rulership of the underworld, Adlivun, where newly departed souls are purified before moving on. Key themes found so far include isolation and remote places, separation, aloofness, willingness or refusal to take adult responsibilities, sea life and the web of life/ecosystem, nature and respect for all creatures, conservation, rage versus appeasement, trauma and the deep psyche, and present environmental challenges.
Position in event chart: Okyrhoe is semi-square your ruler Mars from mid-Aries; Sedna is conjoined by Mars at the cusp of Gemini.
Theano's thoughts: Try to avoid letting strong feelings drive you into an impulsive decision. However justified the measure you're considering may seem, it's worth taking time to cool down and step back before re-examining the situation.
Fractal glyph for the sign Taurus. Taurus
In focus:
(15) Eunomia – Largest stony (S-type) asteroid and parent body of the Eunomia family. Named for the goddess of good order and lawful conduct, one of the Horai (seasons). Associations seem to encapsulate the power of co-operative effort and of discernment combined with humility. These can result in significant leaps forward for humanity as a whole.
(6235) Burney – Main-belt asteroid discovered in 1987 and named after Venetia Phair (née Burney), who at age 11 was the first to suggest the name Pluto for the dwarf planet discovered in 1930. She went on to study mathematics. Amable relates Burney to "very personal approaches, that later have validity at the collective level". The discovery Sabian is similarly themed, featuring an act of compassion potentially producing a helpful ripple effect.
Position in event chart: Eunomia is trine the Full Moon from your sign; Burney is on the cusp of Taurus.
Theano's thoughts: We each have unique gifts in the core of the soul, and often our mission in life involves distributing them. You might, as we all tend to, feel inclined to undervalue your own offerings. Share them anyway.
Fractal glyph for the sign Gemini. Gemini
In focus:
(140) Siwa – Main-belt asteroid named for a Slavic fertility goddess with many similarities to Ceres and other fruit/harvest deities. Correspondences, including the discovery Sabian, appear to underline the connections to fertility, life-giving, spring, seasons and flourishing. Creative arts, particularly music, may also be a theme (Martha Lang-Wescott has given "attention to sound" as an attribute).
(3361) Orpheus – Near-Earth asteroid and part of the Apollo group, whose orbit crosses those of both Earth and Mars. Orpheus was the famed Thracian bard and gifted musician, who ventured into the underworld to try to bring back his wife Eurydike after she died from a snake bite, but lost her again just as they were returning to the upper world. May represent musical or prophetic aptitude, persuasiveness, grief, sad or sweet music (and/or the melody of the soul), or incomplete relationships.
Position in event chart: Both are quincunx the Full Moon from late Gemini.
Theano's thoughts: Pay attention to your emotional and physical state, and notice if there's anything new or specific happening. What you are feeling could be key to working through any issues on which you may seem stuck.
Fractal glyph for the sign Cancer. Cancer
In focus:
(595) Polyxena – Asteroid in the outer main belt named for a Trojan princess who was admired by Achilles during his life, and sacrificed to him after the fall of Troy by its conquerors. She is described as going willingly and bravely to meet her fate, which gained her honour. The discovery degree and Nodes are all in Mars-ruled signs, which likely underscores the theme of high courage; there is likewise a sense of active and decisive behaviour in otherwise limited circumstances, taking control, and clarity of vision.
(2878) Panacea – Main-belt asteroid; Panakeia was one of the daughters and attendants of Asklepios, goddess of cures and panaceas. She can represent pharmaceuticals of all kinds, desiring an easy fix (or finding a real one), solutions that may or may not address root causes, cultivating the appearance of success, the question of "how shall this be balanced?", or what it takes to find a remedy for a problem.
Position in event chart: Both are on the cusp of your sign.
Theano's thoughts: Look for creative solutions to diffuse tension or remedy an urgent-seeming issue. An apparently obvious path, especially if it involves an abrupt ending, is likely not the best way forward. Consider all possible options.
Fractal glyph for the sign Leo. Leo
In focus:
(71) Niobe – Stony member of the Gallia family from the middle of the asteroid belt. Named for the mythical woman who boasted about her 14 children in contrast with the two born of the goddess Leto. As punishment for her hubris, Leto sent Apollo to kill the sons and Artemis the daughters; according to some versions, at least one child was spared. Devastated, Niobe turned into a stone that weeps continuously. Meanings offered to date include undue pride and the resulting fall from grace, issues with children, self-importance or more constructive self-assertion, learning humility, enhanced perspective, groups (especially of young people), stimulus in one's environment.
(79360) Sila-Nunam – Classical, binary Kuiper Belt object, with both components virtually the same size. These are named after Inuit deities: Sila (spirit), god of the sky, weather and life force; Nunam (earth), Sila's wife in some traditions, Earth mother goddess. Both are creator deities. May represent acceptance, serenity and the long view, rational analysis over a two-way decision, polarity and/or duality, breathing work, conservation, environmentalism, the power of creative ideas.
Position in event chart: Both are semi-sextile the Sun from late Leo.
Theano's thoughts: There are a great many injustices in this unequal world of ours, and a variety of methods to rectify them. Correcting an imbalance in your own life might involve a relatively gentle course proving the most effective.
Fractal glyph for the sign Virgo. Virgo
In focus:
(58) Concordia – Fairly large C-type asteroid with low orbital eccentricity, named for the Roman goddess of peace and social harmony, evoking a stable society. Alongside these themes, the correspondences suggest determination, planning and focus – and/or complaisance – in the fulfilment of that aim.
(443) Photographica – Typical main-belt asteroid, the first discovered using photography, for which it was named. May relate to intelligence, visual imagery and retention thereof, imagination, visualisation, reflection, clear sight, focusing attention on small details, changing collective perceptions, optical illusions, technological advances.
Position in event chart: Concordia is semi-sextile ruler Mercury from Virgo; Photographica is on the cusp of your sign.
Theano's thoughts: Creative work or active self-expression can often mean embracing a unique point of view, an idea perhaps previously unthought of or overlooked. This requires courage, but it is also necessary for development.
Fractal glyph for the sign Libra. Libra
In focus:
(83) Beatrix – Asteroid from the inner main belt with a diameter of at least 68km. Named after Beatrice "Bice" di Folco Portinari, an Italian woman who has been commonly identified as the principal inspiration for Dante Alighieri's Vita Nuova and as his guide in the last part of the Divine Comedy, where she symbolises divine grace and theology. Dante's love for Beatrice is a well-known example of unrequited and/or courtly love. Correspondences indicate both the clarity inherent in justice and truth, and yearning towards the unattainable or distant desire, as well as the sense of love itself.
(106) Dione – Asteroid of at least 159km diameter with a composition possibly similar to that of Ceres. Dione was the Titan goddess of the oracle of Dodona, and the mother of Aphrodite by Zeus in some myths. Her name is the feminine form of Zeus (Dios). Dione was described as "the temple associate" of Zeus at Dodona; her prophetesses were named the Doves, after the sacred bird of Aphrodite. May represent traditionally feminine qualities, though also rapid decision and movement; fertility, eroticism, fulfilment, liberation or free self-expression, joy, wisdom.
Position in event chart: Beatrix is on the cusp of your sign; Dione squares the Full Moon from late Libra.
Theano's thoughts: When motivated by the kinds of love in which respect for everyone concerned is inherent, we are usually led closer to the Divine thereby. Let that principle inspire your movements, and notice where you are guided.
Fractal glyph for the sign Scorpio. Scorpio
In focus:
(53) Kalypso – Large, very dark asteroid, named for a nymph who detained Odysseus on her island for seven years during his journey home. Her name means "to cover", "to conceal (or conceal knowledge)", "to hide", or "to deceive", and this may carry across astrologically; though there are indicators also of (perhaps eventual) revelation and lucidity; of information that manifests regardless of obstacles, or when actively or appropriately sought. The lore that is worth seeking.
(642) Clara – Main-belt asteroid discovered by Max Wolf and dedicated to one of his housekeepers; the Latin-origin name means clear, bright and shining, which significance is reflected in the discovery Sabian, in the sense of reaching a state of clarity or elevation. Several associations also with the water element and emotion in general, suggesting the illumination found via the heart.
Position in event chart: Kalypso is sextile the Moon from late Scorpio; Clara squares your modern ruler Pluto from your sign.
Theano's thoughts: Earnest and persistent effort will aid you in seeking the truth on a puzzling matter. If you have a request, whether for information or something else, ask; the response could well be accommodating, illuminating or both.
Fractal glyph for the sign Sagittarius. Sagittarius
In focus:
(79) Eurynome – Eponymous part of a proposed asteroid family in the main belt, identified with a bride of Zeus and the mother of the Kharites, goddesses of grace and beauty. She was one of the Okeanids, ruling over water meadows and pasture lands. Her name translates as "She of Broad Pastures", and astrologically speaking there are a few associations with physical territory; also history, memory and longstanding tradition.
(859) Bouzaréah – Dark asteroid in outer main belt, named for a suburb of Algiers in which the observatory used was located, and which continues to be a local science and astronomy hub, in part owing to its high altitude. Correspondences suggest biological sciences, landmarks, focus on the crux of the matter, faith, revision or retirement of a perspective, assertion versus letting one's record speak for oneself.
Position in event chart: Eurynome conjoins your ruler Jupiter in Gemini; Bouzaréah opposes them from Sagittarius.
Theano's thoughts: Many different environments offer beauty, inspiration or refreshment in their own way. If just now certain places appear to summon you, whether familiar or not, there's probably a good reason to answer that call.
Fractal glyph for the sign Capricorn. Capricorn
In focus:
(32) Pomona – Main-belt asteroid of about 81km diameter that may be binary or have a significant concave region on its surface. Identified with the Roman goddess of fruit trees, gardens, and orchards, unusual in that she does not have a specific Greek counterpart. She is depicted with a platter of fruit or a cornucopia. May represent the web of existence and/or compassion as its binding agent; co-operation around a common cause, something beloved or cherished, beauty.
(91) Aegina – Large asteroid with a cross-section of 110km, orbiting close to Ceres. Named for a Naiad nymph and lover of Zeus, who carried her to the island which thereafter bore her name, and where she gave birth to a son, Aiakos. Possible associations include focalising of energies into one object or cause, rescue, caution, generosity with boundaries, judgment.
Position in event chart: Both are conjunct your ruler Saturn in Pisces.
Theano's thoughts: Try to be kind to yourself as you blossom into the person you are becoming. If you find your inner critic growing too harsh to handle, spend some time with loved ones who appreciate you and aren't afraid to say why.
Fractal glyph for the sign Aquarius. Aquarius
In focus:
(102) Miriam – Moderately large, very dark main belt asteroid. Named for an Old Testament prophet, the first asteroid to be designated for a biblical figure, breaking with a tradition that such characters could not be classed as mythological (apparently chosen to annoy a member of the discoverer's acquaintance whom he thought overly pious). May represent abundance and fulfilment, especially achieved through co-operation; just judgment versus assumption, honourable action or heroism.
(200) Dynamene – Dark asteroid about 130km in diameter, identified with one of the fifty Nereides (sea goddesses), likely specifically chosen because the Greek prefix "di" stands for the number two, thus referencing the MPC number. Dynamene, along with her sister Pherusa, was associated with the might and power of great ocean swells; her name means "she who can, the capable one". The discovery Sabian references the power of self-discipline; there are also indicators of women's rights and female power, and carrying a plan through to completion.
Position in event chart: Miriam is semi-square Saturn from your sign; Dynamene semi-sextiles the Moon from late Aquarius.
Theano's thoughts: Long-term projects can at times give rise to doubt or fatigue, because of the persistent effort needed to complete them. If you're feeling overwhelmed, a break should prove helpful, as well as restoring your faith in your work.
Fractal glyph for the sign Pisces. Pisces
In focus:
(44) Nysa – Probably the largest asteroid of the rare E-class; brightest member of the Nysian asteroid family. Mount Nysa was the mythical home of the infant Dionysos, who was entrusted to the Okeanid nymphs living there, the Nysiades. Several oceanic correspondences; also the free and self-determined nature of the god, contrasted with (or in opposition to) authoritarian patterns, or conscientious objection.
(69230) Hermes – A sub-kilometer sized near-Earth asteroid and binary system on an eccentric orbit, which passed relatively close to Earth in 1937. Orbit very similar in length to that of Mars. Named for the Greek messenger god; astrological themes may draw on his capacity for renewal, as well as intelligence, trickery, division, communication (perhaps military in particular), moving between worlds, sport, athleticism and quickness.
Position in event chart: Both are squaring your traditional ruler Jupiter from Pisces.
Theano's thoughts: Truly thinking for oneself sometimes involves agreeing with the general consensus, if it seems to be right. Rebellion for its own sake doesn't always lead to the best results. Follow your conscience and reason above all else.

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