Sunday, August 4, 2024

Leo New Moon 2024: Minor Planet Report

Basic details and main features

Leo New Moon, 4th August 2024, 11:12 UTC, 12+ Leo

After all that Cancer-Capricorn energy, we've finally moved on to Leo for this next lunation. However, there's a twist: Mercury is about to station retrograde, and will do so less than a day following the New Moon. These are definitely conditions in which it's worth measuring the depth of the water before taking a dive. Rushing ahead may result in urgent backtracking, especially as the Sun passes through the Leo midpoint, when we reach the astrological Lammas.

Introduction page | Jump to chart image | Jump to report by sign

Some minor planets involved

Conjunct New Moon, 12+ Leo
  • (173) Ino – Asteroid from the intermediate main belt, about 150km in diameter and parent body of the Ino family, with nearly 500 known members. Named for a mortal princess who incurred the wrath of Hera for fostering the infant Dionysos. Hera drove her husband mad and he killed their eldest child; Ino took the other and fled from him, leaping off a cliff into the sea. The pair were welcomed among the sea-gods and Ino became Leukothea. In the correspondences are themes of rapid action, self-transformation, growth, fulfilling potential, inspiration and rectitude.
  • (358) Apollonia – Large main-belt asteroid named for an Ancient Greek trade colony founded around 600 BCE in southern Illyria (now Fier County, Albania), which developed into an independent polis. It was located at the crossroads of a prehistoric trade route, on the bank of the Aoös/Vjosë river. May represent multiple interests and developments, combining, travel, long-distance connections[1], focused energies, strategy, working with available resources.

Squaring New Moon from 12+ Taurus

  • (33) Polyhymnia – Main-belt asteroid with an unusually eccentric orbit for one of the earlier finds. Named for the Greek Muse of sacred poetry, sacred hymn, dance and eloquence, agriculture and pantomime; possibly also of geometry and meditation. She is depicted as serious, pensive and thoughtful. Key themes may include religious rituals, praise, beliefs and practices[2], as well as religious or moral motivation, inspired or driven activity leading to substantive change.
  • (857) Glasenappia – Main-belt asteroid discovered in 1916 and identified with astronomer Sergey Glazenap (1848–1937), director of two observatories and founder of the Russian Astronomical Society, who won an award in 1890 for a study of double stars. Potentially relates to intelligence, problem solving, sacrifice, making the best of limited circumstances, harmony and peace, diligence, excellence.
  • (894) Erda – Asteroid probably named for Jörð, Norse earth goddess and/or personification of the earth, mother of Thor and possibly lover of Odin. She does not seem to play a large active part in the tales and may be more behind the scenes. Attributes seem to be standard for her archetype. Astrological indicators include skill, intelligence, divination and the magical arts, solidarity, creativity and survival.

Squaring from 12+ Scorpio

  • (190) Ismene – Very large outer main belt asteroid and member of the Hilda family, which is locked in 3:2 resonance with Jupiter. Named for the daughter of Oedipus and sister of Antigone, who in most versions survives the attack of the Seven against Thebes. She is loyal to her sister, but does not defy the law as Antigone does to ensure their brother is properly buried. May indicate obedience, passivity, complaisance and compliance, taking responsibility and offering support[3] as well as hope and transcendence of conflict.
  • (223) Rosa – Large Themistian asteroid, likely composed of carbonaceous material rich in water ice. Name origin unknown, though the most obvious association for an 1882 discovery is probably the plant genus. In the correspondences there is a sense of creative power, skill, charm and/or intelligence combined with underlying human flaws, or a 'wild' side.
  • (2063) Bacchus – Near-Earth asteroid in the Apollo group, approximately 1km in diameter, named for the Roman version of Dionysos, god of wine, vegetation, pleasure, festivity, madness and wild frenzy. Themes delineated so far include intoxication, sexual libertinism/freedom, excess[4], mystical ecstasy, hedonism, fertility, love regained[5], dance parties and collective events infused with eroticism[6], the liberator[7], addiction, substitution or avoidance as coping mechanisms, orchards, pines and vineyards[8].

Theano's thoughts

Virtually every human being has some form of struggle with the desire to shine and be hailed as a hero, to go down in history for a transcendent act. Occasionally we each need to check in with our motivations, and consider how far the urge to create rapid change might relate to our wish to be at the forefront of it. All of this is natural and understandable. At present, however, attempts to move things forward too fast may in fact be pushing the river. Stop, breathe, hold counsel with yourself, and try to observe what is real, without and within. You could discover a new and creative method of working with the current pace of events and materials ready to hand, which contains the potential for substantive and positive growth.

1) Martha Lang-Wescott: Basic Resources
2) Mark Andrew Holmes: Polyhymnia
3) Mark Andrew Holmes: Ismene
4) Alex Miller: Bacchus 2063
5) TAKE: Asteroids in Astrology
6) Amable: (2063) Bacchus
7) Kirsti Melto: New Moon in Sagittarius – November 29, 2016
8) Martha Lang-Wescott (ibid.)

Chart for the Leo New Moon on 4th August 2024, showing the solar sign as first house.

Minor planet report by sign

For more details on the objects featured below, please see my links page, check out this index on Wikipedia, or contact me using the form at the end.

I'd like to invite you also to read my friend Amanda Painter's excellent horoscopes over at The Astrophile.

Fractal glyph for the sign Aries. Aries
In focus:
(86) Semele – Large and very dark asteroid named for a Theban princess, one of Zeus's mortal lovers. Hera tricked her into forcing Zeus to appear before her in his full glory, which consumed her immediately. She was the mother of Dionysos, who on reaching adulthood transformed her into Thyone, goddess of the Bacchic frenzy. May represent growth, fulfilment, creativity, skill, invention, persuasion.
(136199) Eris – Most massive and second-largest known dwarf planet in the Solar System, with an orbit of over 550 years; its discovery caused Pluto's demotion, and thus fittingly it was named for the Greek goddess of strife, discord, contention and rivalry. Because of her nature, she was the only goddess not to be invited to the wedding of Peleus and Thetis; whereupon she threw into the guests' midst the infamous golden apple that led to the Trojan War. Indicators given so far include strife, discord, discontent, divisiveness, lawlessness, marginalised populations, understanding others and self-revelation, exclusion, alienation, polarisation, growth into adulthood, accepting unavoidable changes, the roots of motivations, comparing viewpoints in the search for truth, recognition of pretensions and errors – and many more.
Position in event chart: Both are semi-square your ruler Mars from Aries.
Theano's thoughts: Originality is inherently accompanied by some degree of risk; but the world is poorer without courage, and those who dare generally find their lives substantially enriched for the experience. Be open to your dreams.
Fractal glyph for the sign Taurus. Taurus
In focus:
(132) Aethra – First Mars-crossing asteroid to be identified; lost to astronomers for nearly 50 years after its discovery. Named for the mother of Greek hero Theseus by Aegeas, king of Athens, and/or Poseidon. She and her father Pittheus raised the boy until he was old enough to travel to the city and claim his inheritance. May be linked to learning, work, skill, equality, justice, caretaking, watchfulness.
(79360) Sila-Nunam – Classical, binary Kuiper Belt object, with both components virtually the same size. These are named after Inuit deities: Sila (spirit), god of the sky, weather and life force; Nunam (earth), Sila's wife in some traditions, Earth mother goddess. Both are creator deities. Thought to represent acceptance, serenity and the long view, rational analysis over a two-way decision, polarity and/or duality, breathing work, conservation, environmentalism, the power of creative ideas.
Position in event chart: Both are conjunct your ruler Venus in late Leo.
Theano's thoughts: Home in its more salutary form is a secure base from which one can explore more freely, assured of somewhere safe to return. You might feel happier embarking on the next adventure if you know your house is in order.
Fractal glyph for the sign Gemini. Gemini
In focus:
(13) Egeria – Main-belt asteroid unusually high in water content; identified with a Roman nymph, in myth the wife and counsellor of Numa Pompilius, second king of Rome, to whom she imparted laws and rituals pertaining to ancient Roman religion. Her name has become an eponym for a female advisor. May relate to wisdom and learning, foundations, visible or evident divine manifestation, love, natural power, prophecy.
(41) Daphne – Large asteroid of 174km diameter, with one moon, Peneius. Named for a Naiad who was pursued by Apollo; she fled his advances and in desperation cried out for help to Gaia, who transformed her into a laurel tree. Apollo then adopted the laurel as his sacred plant. Could represent courage, intellectual and magical arts, earth power, divine grace, unrequited love, clear vision.
Position in event chart: Both are square your ruler Mercury from your sign.
Theano's thoughts: If the answer to a puzzling question seems out of reach, try examining the matter from a different perspective. Use your reason and store of knowledge to seek out alternative approaches. Allow time for revelations to emerge.
Fractal glyph for the sign Cancer. Cancer
In focus:
(65) Cybele – Outer main belt asteroid, among the largest in the Solar System, which gave its name to the Cybele group. Identified with the ancient Phrygian Mother of the Gods who was born intersex (as Agdistis) but the gods, who feared their power, removed their male genitals. A Naiad managed to conceive via the dismembered organ and bore Attis, with whom Cybele fell in love. She appeared at Attis' wedding ceremony, and both Attis and his putative father-in-law castrated themselves on seeing her. The Greeks later identified her with Rhea. May relate to beliefs and structures of thought, gender noncomformity, challenging preconceived ideas, polarisation and transmutation with creative results.
(93) Minerva – Large trinary asteroid named for the Roman goddess of wisdom, justice, law, victory, arts, trade, and strategy/strategic warfare. Themes offered so far include wisdom, courage, analysis, mathematical and manual skill, the creation of rules or laws dealing with a prior legal vacuum or unprecedented issues, inspiration, civilisation, justice, enlightenment, seeking approval.
Position in event chart: Both are semi-sextile the New Moon from your sign.
Theano's thoughts: Celebrating and embracing what makes one unique is a form of self-empowerment. Everything about you that's intrinsic and/or immutable is likewise sacred. Cherish your whole being as an act of devotion.
Fractal glyph for the sign Leo. Leo
In focus:
(97) Klotho – M-type asteroid of unknown composition, diameter estimated at 108km. Klotho was the first of the three Fates or Moirai, "the Spinner", who spun the thread of life for Lakhesis to measure and Atropos to cut. Per Theoi, "It was not an inflexible fate; Zeus, if he chose, had the power of saving even those who were already on the point of being seized by their fate. The Fates...determined the lot of mortals not absolutely, but only conditionally." Interpretations so far include beginnings and their circumstances, origins, expectations of normal development, preliminary conditions, what one is 'made of', weaving together all elements of one's life, finishing what is started, fulfilling a contract.
(898) Hildegard – Non-family asteroid of the main belt's background population, approximately 12km in diameter. Named for St Hildegard of Bingen, a German Benedictine abbess and polymath active as a writer, composer, philosopher, mystic, visionary and medical practitioner. She may have been the founder of scientific natural history in Germany. May represent skill, knowledge of natural laws, problem solving, excellence, power, activity versus passivity, forces of nature, transmutation.
Position in event chart: Both are on the cusp of Leo.
Theano's thoughts: Your potential is waiting to be unleashed. It may need time, effort and a gradual approach, but persistence and determination should bear wholesome fruit. Recognise your strengths, and get busy cultivating them.
Fractal glyph for the sign Virgo. Virgo
In focus:
(777) Gutemberga – Dark background asteroid approximately 66km in diameter, named for Johannes Gutenberg, a German craftsman who developed the movable-type printing press. His version enabled a much faster rate of printing than that already used in East Asia, and sparked an information revolution. He is considered among the most influential figures in human history. Associations may include craftsmanship and formal training therein, order, humility, ideal conditions, creation, dissemination, unfolding.
(896) Sphinx – Main-belt asteroid named for the mythological creatures of Egyptian and Greek origin, famous for their riddles. Both the Greek and Egyptian sphinxes were thought of as guardians, and statues of them often flank the entrances to temples. Potentially relates to mystery, enigma, inscrutability, impenetrable thoughts, missing information, paradoxes, questions, curated or secret knowledge, revelation.
Position in event chart: Both are conjunct sign ruler Mercury in Virgo.
Theano's thoughts: Our deepest secrets often respond far better to a gentle, patient touch than to rough intrusion. Knowing ourselves is important, but those inner veils can be delicate. Move them carefully, with an attitude of love and respect.
Fractal glyph for the sign Libra. Libra
In focus:
(577) Rhea – Main-belt asteroid identified with the Titaness mother of the gods, and goddess of female fertility, motherhood, and generation. Her name means "flow" (of time, birth fluids, milk and menstrual blood) and "ease" (as in the leisurely existence of the gods). Possibly represents carrying a project through to completion, ordered routine, end goals and the means of reaching them, harnessing natural energy, perseverance.
(622) Esther – Main-belt asteroid named for an Old Testament heroine who married the king of Persia and exposed his grand vizier's plot to have her people killed, which resulted in his own execution, and the safety of the Jews. The story provides the traditional explanation for Purim, which might have its origins in a Babylonian or Persian festival. May relate to rescues, replacements, restarts, forging a new life, intelligence and clarity.
Position in event chart: Both are on the cusp of your sign.
Theano's thoughts: Of the main obstacles faced by a collective or community project, some may be self-evidently clear and simple. Others might prove more complex than they appear. It's worth taking accurate soundings before you proceed.
Fractal glyph for the sign Scorpio. Scorpio
In focus:
(43) Ariadne – Member of the Flora family that is unusually elongate, named for the Cretan princess who helped Theseus escape the Minotaur, was abandoned by him on the island of Naxos, and eventually married Dionysos. Some versions of the myth recount Ariadne's crown becoming a constellation, the Corona Borealis. She has also been identified with the Roman goddess Libera-Proserpina. May indicate abandonment, consolation, wisdom, industry (intellectual and otherwise), fertility and transcendence.
(1566) Icarus – Asteroid with an extremely eccentric orbit, the first ever observed by radar in 1968. Icarus was the son of the great craftsman Daedalus, who built the Labyrinth on Crete and fashioned wings for the two of them to escape the island. He warned Icarus not to fly too close to the sun, but the boy disobeyed, and the sun's heat melted the beeswax holding his wings together. The supposed site of his burial near where he drowned is called Icaria after him. Some interpretations include rash, reckless actions, failing to heed good advice, the exuberance of youth, impetuosity, self-regulation and maintaining physical balance without going to extremes, liberation, risk-taking, breaking away.
Position in event chart: Both are opposite your traditional ruler Mars.
Theano's thoughts: If you're frustrated at an ambition or scheme being apparently baffled, your feelings may perhaps be premature. Additional information could reveal an alternative course as ultimately more successful, prosperous or healthy.
Fractal glyph for the sign Sagittarius. Sagittarius
In focus:
(999) Zachia – Main-belt asteroid with a mean radius of 8.95km. Named for Baron Franz Xaver von Zach (1754-1832), a Hungarian astronomer born at Pest, Hungary (now Budapest). He organised the "celestial police", a group of 24 astronomers, to look for the "missing planet" predicted by the Titius-Bode law between Mars and Jupiter. Ceres was discovered by accident just as the search was beginning. However, on New Year's Eve 1801-2, von Zach helped recover Ceres' position after it was lost, using predictions by C.F. Gauss. The discovery Sabian is indicative of changing one's own consciousness by altering life patterns; there is a sense of determination, hard work, custodianship and the force of will.
(174567) Varda – Possibly a dwarf planet, residing in the Kuiper belt; identified with one of the Valar (essentially gods) in J.R.R. Tolkien's cosmology. She has Marian characteristics and is associated with light and the stars. Meanings offered include being careful what you wish for, co-operation, receptivity, diplomacy, hospitality, privacy and security, discovering new forms of interaction, shared resources in relationship, negotiation, arbitration.
Position in event chart: Zachia opposes your ruler Jupiter from your sign; Varda is sesquiquadrate the New Moon from Sagittarius.
Theano's thoughts: Many of us experience periods of doubt regarding our optimal forward path, especially if our surroundings feel unclear. Try to be patient with yourself, and focus for now on the present. Illumination will eventually return.
Fractal glyph for the sign Capricorn. Capricorn
In focus:
(145) Adeona – Namesake of the Adeona family in the main belt. Identified with one of a pair of Roman childhood goddesses, the other being Abeona; adeō in Latin means "approach", and abeō means "go away from", and these appear to be their domains. Adeona is goddess of returning from somewhere, homecomings, safe return and bringing children home safely. May also represent nurture, caution versus risk, awareness, completion, wisdom gained from experience.
(4580) Child – Main-belt asteroid named for Jack B. Child, software engineer at JPL and Asteroid Project director of the World Space Foundation, for his "generous helpfulness" and for introducing team members to the Palomar project. Themes given so far include the inner child (and understanding them as an adult), the early home, unique childhood experiences, attitudes towards children, immature or innocent reactions. The discovery Sabian additionally suggests evolution and development.
Position in event chart: Both are sextile your ruler Saturn from Capricorn.
Theano's thoughts: You're likely to find that addressing an internal issue firstly requires you to feel safe and grounded. Now is the time to ensure you have appropriate and adequate support, and to work on your confidence and resilience.
Fractal glyph for the sign Aquarius. Aquarius
In focus:
(56) Melete – Large and dark asteroid of the unusual P-type, probably composed of silicates, carbon and water ice. Named for one of the three original Muses. She presided over meditation (lit. 'ponder' and 'contemplation'); her sisters were Aoide (voice and song) and Mneme (memory). May relate to creativity, peak experience, inspiration, channelling, realising and responding to truth, justice, development and gifts.
(946) Poësia – Member of the Themis family in the outer main belt, named for the goddess of poetry (possibly a Roman personification, as the term has Latin origins). Additional indications may include co-operation, forward thinking, inventiveness, wisdom, flourishing, truth, divine and natural power, and artistic beauty.
Position in event chart: Both are aspecting your modern ruler Uranus in Taurus; Melete opposes it, while Poësia is conjunct.
Theano's thoughts: Relationships of all kinds are benefited by a common aim, project or cause; especially one that facilitates personal growth. If you're seeking inspiration within a partnership, this is almost certainly worth considering.
Fractal glyph for the sign Pisces. Pisces
In focus:
(243) Ida – Koronis family member located in the outer main belt. Ide and Adrasteia were nymphs of Mount Ida in Krete (Crete) who were entrusted with the care of the infant god Zeus. They hid him away in a cave, nursing him on honey and the milk of the she-goat Amaltheia. As a reward for their service, Zeus placed the pair amongst the stars as constellations. May represent fulfilment of duty, attention to a single purpose, applied skill, preparation, imagination, signals, unexpected blessings.
(90482) Orcus – A plutino known to be a binary system, constrained to be always in the opposite orbital phase from Pluto (when one is at perihelion, the other is at aphelion). Orcus was an underworld god, the personified daimon of oaths who punished perjurers; his name itself means 'oath'. May have Etruscan mythological origins. Themes offered include populism, grass roots, audacity, boldness, rebellion or dissent, being a person of one's word, the context in which major decisions are made, collective evolution, metamorphosis, self-integrity, freedom, living a lie, searching for the truth, extreme circumstances and their effects.
Position in event chart: Ida is conjunct your modern ruler Neptune in Pisces; Orcus squares traditional ruler Jupiter from Virgo.
Theano's thoughts: We are each required to carry ourselves with honesty and integrity, which applies all the more when interacting with those less fortunate. Hold the truth before you constantly, and remain steadfastly attached to it.


  1. This project gets better and better -- absolutely resonant with themes that I'm feeling, for sure, not to mention educational re: the exquisitely rich mytho-poetic matrix of the stars. Quite the station, that's for sure; and the New Moon feel is very real. Deep bow, Wise Woman.

    1. Thank you! Yes, I find myself irresistibly drawn into the mythological tapestry. It appears to me beautiful beyond description.


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