Basic details and main features
Virgo New Moon, 3rd September 2024, 01:55 UTC, 11+ Virgo
With Mercury safely back in direct motion, Tuesday's New Moon might feel like a convenient springboard from which to take a huge leap back into action. That said, it's probably worth proceeding with unusual care. Accompanying the lunation is an incredibly tight Mars-Neptune square. This is one of the more delicate configurations (to put it, well, delicately).
Proactive yet impatient and sometimes rash (and, in Gemini, highly strung), Mars likes to push ahead without necessarily understanding the circumstances in which it moves. Neptune, meanwhile, loves to spread a fog over what it influences and sow confusion – making rapid action tricky, and possibly liable to mishaps. To complicate matters still further, Pluto has now retrograded back into Capricorn for a brief farewell visit, before finally settling into Aquarius in mid-November.
All this indicates caution and attention to detail as the most prudent course; in addition, ensuring that any loose ends are firmly secured. As the next lunation will bring us into eclipse season, soon enough we could well find matters developing at speed, without any additional propulsion required; now is the moment for checking the seatbelts.
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Some minor planets involved
Aspecting New Moon (conjunct, opposite or square)- (32) Pomona – Main-belt asteroid of about 81km diameter that may be binary or have a significant concave region on its surface. Identified with the Roman goddess of fruit trees, gardens, and orchards, unusual in that she does not have a specific Greek counterpart. She is depicted with a platter of fruit or a cornucopia. May represent the web of existence and/or compassion as its binding agent; co-operation around a common cause[1], something beloved or cherished, beauty.
- (37) Fides – Large main-belt asteroid, which may be a binary system; named for the Roman goddess of trust and good faith. She was one of the earliest virtues to be personified as a divinity; as such, she presided over fidelity in marriage, contractual arrangements, duty to one's nation, reliability and the foundation of good relations in general. Associations particularly suggest obligations to the community at large as an astrological domain, along with identifying with what is beyond oneself; possibly also using what is due from others as a tool of manipulation[2].
- (396) Aeolia – Largest and founding member of the Aeolia asteroid family; the members of which have an estimated age of less than 100 million years. Identified with Aiolos, the divine keeper of the winds, and his floating island of Aiolia. He kept storms locked away in the island's interior, releasing them only on the command of the greatest gods. May be in some respects an avatar of the sky god Ouranos. Could represent intelligence, wisdom, variability, objectivity and clarity, far-sightedness and forward thinking.
- (399) Persephone – Main-belt asteroid named for the maiden daughter of Demeter who became queen of the underworld and the wife of Hades. She and her mother were the central figures of the Eleusinian Mysteries, which promised the initiated a happy afterlife. The cult may have been based on ancient agrarian rituals. Potentially represents separation, separation anxiety, forced changes, critical life passages[3]; one's attitude towards leaving behind home, relations or familiar conditions, or how one handles transitions[4]. In addition, astronomer Michael Brown apparently considered Persephone as a possible name for the dwarf planet which eventually became known as Eris, perhaps implying a link between the two[5].
- (2212) Hephaistos – Near-Earth asteroid and member of the Apollo group; makes close approaches to all the inner planets. Named for the Greek divine blacksmith, who created beautiful artefacts, weapons and tools. Some offered interpretations include skill, craft and artistry; physical disability; rejection or abandonment; mismatched relationships[6]; creativity[7] and the wounded creator archetype; art that extends from and to the soul, or that is driven by the deeper self[8].
Aspecting Mars-Neptune square
- (26) Proserpina – Main-belt asteroid with cross-section size of around 90km, named for the Roman equivalent of Persephone (see above). Her mythology is virtually the same; but in Rome she was identified with, or replaced, the ancient fertility goddess Libera, the female equivalent of Liber Pater (who has been equated with Dionysos). Ceres, Liber and Libera were patrons of Rome's common citizens, and protected plebeian rights among their other responsibilities. Suggested meanings include connection to the inner self and personal values; receptivity and devotion; assertion or lack thereof[9]; feeling alone or not belonging[10]. Dane Rudhyar reportedly said of Proserpina: "In that name lies hidden the symbol of all resurrections."
- (46) Hestia – Main-belt asteroid and eponymous member of the Hestia clump; occupies a chaotic and variable orbit due to the planets' gravitational effects. Hestia was the virgin goddess of the hearth and the home, the Greek version of the Roman Vesta. She ruled bread making and the preparation of the family meal. Hestia was also the goddess of the sacrificial flame, presiding over the cooking of the meat, and received a share of every sacrifice to the gods. May relate to putting the home in order and creating peace, especially after moving[11]; focus and integrity[12]; where the heart lies, passion, talent and what drives us forward; comfort areas and cosy relationships[13].
Theano's thoughts
As you proceed cautiously forward, try to keep in mind what ultimately drives you to grow and blossom; what inspires you most deeply, whether in terms of your present project or of your life's work. This should help you avoid distractions; in particular, ostensible shortcuts, or tangents that might seem especially tempting just now. Either could result eventually in much backtracking and pulling in for repairs. That said, do pay attention to your surroundings. Taking time to set right small issues within your purview will likely save you energy and momentum later on.
1) Amable: (32) Pomona
2) Mark Andrew Holmes: Fides
3) Alex Miller: Persephone 399
4) Martha Lang-Wescott: Basic Resources
5) Kirsti Melto: New Moon in Aries – April 12, 2021
6) Alex Miller: Hephaistos 2212
7) Kirsti Melto: New Moon in Aries – March 22, 2012
8) Linda Goodman forum post: Hephaestus as Psychological Archetype (unattributed quote)
9) Amable: (26) Proserpina
10) Martha Lang-Wescott (ibid.)
11) Amable: (46) Hestia
12) Kirsti Melto: New Moon in Leo / Total Solar Eclipse – August 1, 2008
13) Neptune's Aura Astrology: Asteroids Vesta 4 and Hestia 46
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Chart for this week's Virgo New Moon, showing the Sun sign as first house. |
Minor planet report by sign
Important note: I'm experimenting with a simpler format this month, consisting of naming and interpreting relevant minor planets for each sign. I'm also looking at more efficient ways to make the information on my database available to you.
For more details on the objects featured below, please see my links page, check out this index on Wikipedia, or contact me using the form at the end.
Fascinating to have both Persephone and Proserpina in focus in this New Moon chart, though they're interacting with two different aspect patterns... I'm also feeling some resonance between Hephaistos and Hestia: the forge and the hearth feeling like very connected images to me... Thank you for bringing these objects and themes to light!
ReplyDeleteThank you :)