Basic details and main features
Libra New Moon/Annular Solar Eclipse, Wednesday 2nd October 2024 at 18:49 UTC, 10+ Libra
With the equinox now several days behind us, we reach the second eclipse of the current pair, which takes place alongside a configuration involving nearby Mercury, plus Ceres and Uranus. If recent weeks have been characterised by delays and frustrations, this event may provide a much-needed dynamic boost. Even if we have to give the starting push, once the astrological momentum takes over, we could find ourselves covering a significant distance in a markedly short time. Be sure to keep both hands on the wheel.
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Some minor planets involved
Aspecting New Moon (conjunction or opposition)- (5) Astraea – Large S-type bright main-belt asteroid, named for the virgin goddess of justice, innocence, purity and precision. Not to be confused with Asteria, the goddess of the stars, in myth she became the constellation Virgo, and her scales Libra; she was also the last of the gods to reside among humans, and may return some day, bringing with her a second Golden Age. Astrologically, this body might represent balance, justice, innocence, idealism, vision and what is seen[1], fair trade[2], persistence, renaissance[3], difficulty letting go and blocked closure[4].
- (57) Mnemosyne – S-type asteroid with orbital period close to a 2:1 commensurability with Jupiter. Greek Titan goddess of memory and mother of the nine Muses by Zeus. May signify recall[5], remembrance[6] and, perhaps, their roles in creative work and transcendence.
- (260) Huberta – Cybele group member and outer main belt asteroid rich in carbon; identified with St. Hubert of Liège (c.656-727), who established ethical rules on hunting that are still followed to this day. He is patron of archers, trappers, hunting, dogs and forest workers; mathematicians; metal workers and smelters. Correspondences are likely to signify conservation, ethics, longstanding changes and effects, gradual development and/or careful testing, and new beginnings.
- (120347) Salacia – Cubewano, possibly a dwarf planet, with one moon Actaea. Named after the goddess of salt water and wife of Neptune. Salacia was the personification of the calm and sunlit aspect of the sea (although she may also have represented the gushing and overbearing waters). Meanings offered so far include erotic fascination, interest or activity[7], smooth-flowing, fun, brightness, persuasion or reassurance[8], social discrimination that works "like a computing firewall" and enforcing rules[9], provocative desire or lust[10], determination, ability to work with the unseen, avoiding confrontation or commitment[11].
- (136472) Makemake – Dwarf planet and largest of the classical population of Kuiper belt objects, with a diameter approximately or 60% that of Pluto. Named for the supreme divinity of Easter Island and the most important being in Rapanui mythology, a creator god whose mortal representative was chosen every year in a gruelling contest. Could represent "the spiritual knowledge that [guarantees] right development"[12], technology clashing with natural existence, inorganic life, virtual reality, engineering and computing[13], relaxed, easy sexuality, narrow focus or hyperfocus, devotion[14], implementation of critical change, creative pursuit of goals, possible seclusion or brilliance followed by burnout, quickness in perceiving an opportunity and the resulting action[15].
Finger of the World: Mercury, Ceres, Uranus
Note: Astraea, Mnemosyne and Huberta (listed above) are also part of this configuration.
- (130) Elektra – Large quadruple system (has three moons) in the main belt. Elektra was the daughter of Agamemnon and Klytaemnestra, who helped her brother Orestes kill their mother and her lover Aegisthus in revenge for their father's murder. May represent unpredictability, persuasive power, intelligence, mourning, surviving, unorthodox action, resistance to oppression[16], or self-protective postures[17].
- (168) Sibylla – Outer main belt asteroid, part of the Cybele group; named for the Ancient Greek oracles known as the Sibyls. May relate to prophecy and/or divine inspiration[18]; the discovery Sabian and associated bodies give added possible elements of spiritual/divine guidance, protection and intense, dedicated work (perhaps encompassing the combined ingredients that can lead to success and distinction).
- (487) Venetia – Main belt asteroid approximately 63km in diameter, named for a region in north-east Italy, which has Venice as its capital. Veneto is not officially autonomous, but there is a notable independence movement, and the population is geographically diverse. In the correspondences, there are indicators of the struggles of self-determination and social justice, issues around power in general, and tradition versus more modern perspectives (as well as how these two can reconcile and work together).
Theano's thoughts
Wednesday's eclipse highlights an ongoing opposition between two outer bodies, Salacia and Makemake. Exact contacts began in June 2016, on the pivotal first degree of Aries-Libra; the last of these will occur in January 2034. We are therefore roughly at the midpoint of this long-term connection, to which the lunation is drawing attention.
Having reflected on the possible implications of this opposition, I have concluded that it may represent something like a 'teething period' for humanity in adapting to new technologies, particularly social media and AI. These advancements are certainly complicated by late-stage capitalism and the desperation of companies to engage our attention (profits must be made, after all). However, technological understanding and evolution in and of themselves are inevitable and necessary consequences of human intellectual capacity, and the only factor truly in personal control is how one adjusts to the changes.
Salacia and Makemake would appear to signify the nature of this growth, its effect on us as a collective, and the general means by which we incorporate it into our lives and protect ourselves from its overreach. The closer Solar System bodies involved in the present lunation perhaps relate to the question of how we respond to it as individuals: how we navigate the benefits and pitfalls of recent developments; how we decide which elements of the past must be preserved and carried onward into the future; the precise construction of that future in our own lives; and the values underlying our decisions. Throughout all this exists a delicate balancing act, which each person as well as our whole species will experience on some level. Invention and learning are a fact of life; the ultimate effect and meaning for us of their results is ours to determine.
In a more general sense, I suspect this eclipse invites us to consider how we might proactively facilitate progress with our most important aims and projects, and where we could apply a light push to initiate a substantial domino effect.
1) TAKE: Asteroids in Astrology
2) Amable: (5) Astraea
3) Kirsti Melto: New Moon in Cancer – July 19, 2012
4) Martha Lang-Wescott: Basic Resources
5) Martha Lang-Wescott (ibid.)
6) Kirsti Melto: Full Moon in Aquarius – July 24, 2021
7) Alex Miller: Salacia 120347
8) Mark Andrew Holmes: Salacia
9) Amable: (120347) Salacia
10) Kirsti Melto: New Moon in Aries – April 05, 2019
11) Philip Sedgwick: New Dwarf Planets, Eris, Sedna, Centaurs & More
12) Amable: (136472) Makemake
13) Benjamin Adamah: Makemake (Dutch language article)
14) Zane Stein: Makemake Keywords
15) Linda Lee Berry: Makemake
16) TAKE (ibid.)
17) Amable: (130) Elektra
18) TAKE (ibid.)
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Chart for the annular solar eclipse/Libra New Moon of 2nd October at 18:49 UTC. As usual, the solar sign is displayed as the first house. |
Minor planet report by sign
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