Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Libra New Moon 2024/Eclipse: Minor Planet Report

Basic details and main features

Libra New Moon/Annular Solar Eclipse, Wednesday 2nd October 2024 at 18:49 UTC, 10+ Libra

With the equinox now several days behind us, we reach the second eclipse of the current pair, which takes place alongside a configuration involving nearby Mercury, plus Ceres and Uranus. If recent weeks have been characterised by delays and frustrations, this event may provide a much-needed dynamic boost. Even if we have to give the starting push, once the astrological momentum takes over, we could find ourselves covering a significant distance in a markedly short time. Be sure to keep both hands on the wheel.

Introduction page | Jump to chart image | Jump to report by sign

Some minor planets involved

Aspecting New Moon (conjunction or opposition)
  • (5) Astraea – Large S-type bright main-belt asteroid, named for the virgin goddess of justice, innocence, purity and precision. Not to be confused with Asteria, the goddess of the stars, in myth she became the constellation Virgo, and her scales Libra; she was also the last of the gods to reside among humans, and may return some day, bringing with her a second Golden Age. Astrologically, this body might represent balance, justice, innocence, idealism, vision and what is seen[1], fair trade[2], persistence, renaissance[3], difficulty letting go and blocked closure[4].
  • (57) Mnemosyne – S-type asteroid with orbital period close to a 2:1 commensurability with Jupiter. Greek Titan goddess of memory and mother of the nine Muses by Zeus. May signify recall[5], remembrance[6] and, perhaps, their roles in creative work and transcendence.
  • (260) Huberta – Cybele group member and outer main belt asteroid rich in carbon; identified with St. Hubert of Liège (c.656-727), who established ethical rules on hunting that are still followed to this day. He is patron of archers, trappers, hunting, dogs and forest workers; mathematicians; metal workers and smelters. Correspondences are likely to signify conservation, ethics, longstanding changes and effects, gradual development and/or careful testing, and new beginnings.
  • (120347) Salacia – Cubewano, possibly a dwarf planet, with one moon Actaea. Named after the goddess of salt water and wife of Neptune. Salacia was the personification of the calm and sunlit aspect of the sea (although she may also have represented the gushing and overbearing waters). Meanings offered so far include erotic fascination, interest or activity[7], smooth-flowing, fun, brightness, persuasion or reassurance[8], social discrimination that works "like a computing firewall" and enforcing rules[9], provocative desire or lust[10], determination, ability to work with the unseen, avoiding confrontation or commitment[11].
  • (136472) Makemake – Dwarf planet and largest of the classical population of Kuiper belt objects, with a diameter approximately or 60% that of Pluto. Named for the supreme divinity of Easter Island and the most important being in Rapanui mythology, a creator god whose mortal representative was chosen every year in a gruelling contest. Could represent "the spiritual knowledge that [guarantees] right development"[12], technology clashing with natural existence, inorganic life, virtual reality, engineering and computing[13], relaxed, easy sexuality, narrow focus or hyperfocus, devotion[14], implementation of critical change, creative pursuit of goals, possible seclusion or brilliance followed by burnout, quickness in perceiving an opportunity and the resulting action[15].

Finger of the World: Mercury, Ceres, Uranus

Note: Astraea, Mnemosyne and Huberta (listed above) are also part of this configuration.

  • (130) Elektra – Large quadruple system (has three moons) in the main belt. Elektra was the daughter of Agamemnon and Klytaemnestra, who helped her brother Orestes kill their mother and her lover Aegisthus in revenge for their father's murder. May represent unpredictability, persuasive power, intelligence, mourning, surviving, unorthodox action, resistance to oppression[16], or self-protective postures[17].
  • (168) Sibylla – Outer main belt asteroid, part of the Cybele group; named for the Ancient Greek oracles known as the Sibyls. May relate to prophecy and/or divine inspiration[18]; the discovery Sabian and associated bodies give added possible elements of spiritual/divine guidance, protection and intense, dedicated work (perhaps encompassing the combined ingredients that can lead to success and distinction).
  • (487) Venetia – Main belt asteroid approximately 63km in diameter, named for a region in north-east Italy, which has Venice as its capital. Veneto is not officially autonomous, but there is a notable independence movement, and the population is geographically diverse. In the correspondences, there are indicators of the struggles of self-determination and social justice, issues around power in general, and tradition versus more modern perspectives (as well as how these two can reconcile and work together).

Theano's thoughts

Wednesday's eclipse highlights an ongoing opposition between two outer bodies, Salacia and Makemake. Exact contacts began in June 2016, on the pivotal first degree of Aries-Libra; the last of these will occur in January 2034. We are therefore roughly at the midpoint of this long-term connection, to which the lunation is drawing attention.

Having reflected on the possible implications of this opposition, I have concluded that it may represent something like a 'teething period' for humanity in adapting to new technologies, particularly social media and AI. These advancements are certainly complicated by late-stage capitalism and the desperation of companies to engage our attention (profits must be made, after all). However, technological understanding and evolution in and of themselves are inevitable and necessary consequences of human intellectual capacity, and the only factor truly in personal control is how one adjusts to the changes.

Salacia and Makemake would appear to signify the nature of this growth, its effect on us as a collective, and the general means by which we incorporate it into our lives and protect ourselves from its overreach. The closer Solar System bodies involved in the present lunation perhaps relate to the question of how we respond to it as individuals: how we navigate the benefits and pitfalls of recent developments; how we decide which elements of the past must be preserved and carried onward into the future; the precise construction of that future in our own lives; and the values underlying our decisions. Throughout all this exists a delicate balancing act, which each person as well as our whole species will experience on some level. Invention and learning are a fact of life; the ultimate effect and meaning for us of their results is ours to determine.

In a more general sense, I suspect this eclipse invites us to consider how we might proactively facilitate progress with our most important aims and projects, and where we could apply a light push to initiate a substantial domino effect.

1) TAKE: Asteroids in Astrology
2) Amable: (5) Astraea
3) Kirsti Melto: New Moon in Cancer – July 19, 2012
4) Martha Lang-Wescott: Basic Resources
5) Martha Lang-Wescott (ibid.)
6) Kirsti Melto: Full Moon in Aquarius – July 24, 2021
7) Alex Miller: Salacia 120347
8) Mark Andrew Holmes: Salacia
9) Amable: (120347) Salacia
10) Kirsti Melto: New Moon in Aries – April 05, 2019
11) Philip Sedgwick: New Dwarf Planets, Eris, Sedna, Centaurs & More
12) Amable: (136472) Makemake
13) Benjamin Adamah: Makemake (Dutch language article)
14) Zane Stein: Makemake Keywords
15) Linda Lee Berry: Makemake
16) TAKE (ibid.)
17) Amable: (130) Elektra
18) TAKE (ibid.)

Chart for the annular solar eclipse/Libra New Moon of 2nd October at 18:49 UTC. As usual, the solar sign is displayed as the first house.

Minor planet report by sign

For more details on the objects featured below, please see my links page, check out this index on Wikipedia, or contact me using the form at the end.

Fractal glyph for the sign Aries. Aries
In focus:
(39) Laetitia – Main-belt asteroid named after a Roman goddess of gaiety and celebration. Sometimes depicted with an anchor, denoting stability, or a ship's rudder marking her as a guide towards prosperity and plenty. The discovery Sabian implies the role of co-operative effort in producing abundance; the similarity of orbit with (2) Pallas may suggest a place for wisdom and strategy also.
(209) Dido – Main-belt asteroid named for the legendary queen of Carthage best known for her appearance in Virgil's Aeneid. In most accounts, she was the queen of the Phoenician city-state of Tyre (today in Lebanon) who fled tyranny to found her own city in northwest Africa, which was made prosperous through her wisdom and leadership. Connections seem to involve themes of innovation and science, runaway passion or affection, adventure and pioneering, forward thinking, proactivity and intelligence.
Position in event chart: Both are square your ruler Mars from Aries.
Theano's thoughts: You might be used to shouldering all the responsibility or work in a specific venture, and to developing ideas at your own (likely considerable) speed. If there's room for collaboration, however, now could be an excellent time to bring someone else into the loop. Share some concepts and see what you receive in return.
Fractal glyph for the sign Taurus. Taurus
In focus:
(189) Phthia – Bright and rocky main belt asteroid potentially identified with one of several people or places: likely either a lover of Zeus whom he seduced in the guise of a pigeon or dove, or the home of the Myrmidons (led by Achilles) in ancient Thessaly, as mentioned in the Iliad. May indicate practical wisdom and careful, detailed planning, the ability to reach for desired outcomes, persistence, teamwork, optimism and adaptability.
(656) Beagle – Outer main belt resident and principal body of the small Beagle cluster located within the Themis family. Named for the vessel that carried Charles Darwin around the world, resulting in his published journal, The Voyage of the Beagle, and pivotal to the construction of his theories on evolution and natural selection. There are a number of markers suggesting science, technology and the human condition; increased knowledge leading to social progress; also the music of life and experiential integration.
Position in event chart: Both are sesquiquadrate the New Moon from Taurus.
Theano's thoughts: It would appear that attention to detail is your best friend at this point. Check for any flaws or inefficiencies in your current systems and routines before attempting to move further forward. Ensure plans are sustainable in a holistic sense and review your strategic aims. Above all, leave sufficient time for leisure and fun.
Fractal glyph for the sign Gemini. Gemini
In focus:
(567) Eleutheria – Main-belt asteroid; named after the Ancient Greek term for, and personification of, liberty. In Ancient Greece, Eleutheria was also an epithet for the goddess Artemis. The Sabian and nodal associations both allude to liberty as increased opportunity, and the question of how we might best use our freedom.
(773) Irmintraud – Main belt asteroid that might have originated from the Kuiper belt; references the German name Irmtraud, which appears frequently in old songs and sagas. Correspondences may include conquest, competition and victory, the human relationship to nature, encroachments or hubris and their consequences, power and power struggles.
Position in event chart: Eleutheria is trine Mercury from Gemini; nearby, Irmintraud is trine the New Moon.
Theano's thoughts: Our minds work especially well when they are free to explore, uninhibited by social pressures or self-doubt. Allow yourself a space to let your thoughts wander, as far as possible without judgment of any kind, however unconnected the resulting images may seem. You could find significant material just waiting to be shaped.
Fractal glyph for the sign Cancer. Cancer
In focus:
(420) Bertholda – Large main belt asteroid named for a historical Duke of Carinthia, Berthold II (c. 1000-6 November 1078). Considered a foreign ruler, he was never really accepted by his nobles and faced continual battles for his throne. Sabian of discovery degree refers to intelligence as a protection against "storms and trials".
(914) Palisana – Phocaean asteroid from the inner regions of the main belt, approximately 77km in diameter; named for Johann Palisa (6 December 1848 - 2 May 1925), an award-winning Austrian astronomer and prolific discoverer of asteroids, 122 in total. He is the most successful visual (non-photographic) asteroid discoverer of all time. May signify creativity, transcendent self-actualisation, rapid development and movement, strong emotion, freshness of perspective.
Position in event chart: Both are square the New Moon from your sign.
Theano's thoughts: There may be an opportunity for you to re-examine certain aspects of the past, and view them in an alternative light. If particular areas exist where you've been inclined to assume culpability or error for no clear reason, consider these specifically; new information might emerge that changes the narrative.
Fractal glyph for the sign Leo. Leo
In focus:
(911) Agamemnon – One of the largest Jupiter trojans and a suspected binary asteroid, named for the king of Mycenae, brother of Menelaus, and commander of the Greek army. While the Greeks were eventually successful, Agamemnon's conduct during the war arguably led to his downfall and much suffering. May imply leadership, therefore, but also self-destructive actions or their consequences.
(420356) Praamzius – Kuiper belt object orbiting close to a 3:5 resonance with Neptune, named for the supreme deity in the Lithuanian pantheon, the ruler of time. Everything alive had to obey him, and all his decisions were inscribed in stone. Astrological interpretations so far include long-term decision making that can be disrupted by sudden events; solution-oriented thinking, awareness of time and fate, leadership, timeliness, inescapable situations, negotiations and treaties, eccentricity or maverick nature, peace and peace efforts.
Position in event chart: Both are semi-squaring the New Moon from your sign.
Theano's thoughts: Put a little more faith in your ideas, and play with them for a while; it's possible you'll be drawn along interesting lines. Provided you don't rush headlong into committing major resources or energy, the experiment should be entirely safe, and you'll likely be more prepared when the moment comes for action.
Fractal glyph for the sign Virgo. Virgo
In focus:
(18) Melpomene – Large, bright S-type asteroid named after Melpoménē, the Muse of tragedy in Greek mythology. Initially ruling chorus, she is often represented with a tragic mask and a knife or club, along with the boots worn by tragic actors. May represent creativity and the results of constructive effort, tradition and order (and the urge to break away from them), persistent devotion, cultural development.
(389) Industria – Background asteroid, approximately 79km in diameter, located in the central region of the main belt. Industria is the Latin term for 'diligence': one of the Seven Virtues, opposite sloth. Meanings offered include industriousness, audits and assessments of quality and safety, work or job, identifying career interests. May also signify resilience.
Position in event chart: Both are semi-sextile your ruler Mercury from Virgo.
Theano's thoughts: Schedule a break fairly soon if you've been hard at it recently. You need time to consider what you've already accomplished, and to enjoy the fruit of those achievements; this is perhaps more abundant than you presently credit. Do justice to your persistence and offer gratitude where it is due. Breathe. Be still. Re-centre.
Fractal glyph for the sign Libra. Libra
In focus:
(5) Astraea and (57) Mnemosyne – see event listings above for summaries.
Position in event chart: Both are conjunct the New Moon and semi-sextile your ruler Venus from Libra.
Theano's thoughts: So long as you retain clearly in your memory the important facets of what has gone before, and refer regularly to the life lessons generated by them, you are likely to be virtually unstoppable just now in carving out a path to your goals. Don't hesitate to be the truest, brightest version of yourself as you follow your vision along what are, at least for the time being, infinite routes of possibility.
Fractal glyph for the sign Scorpio. Scorpio
In focus:
(106) Dione – Asteroid of at least 159km diameter with a composition possibly similar to that of Ceres. Dione was the Titan goddess of the oracle of Dodona, and the mother of Aphrodite by Zeus in some myths. Her name is the feminine form of Zeus (Dios). Dione was described as "the temple associate" of Zeus at Dodona; her prophetesses were named the Doves, after the sacred bird of Aphrodite. May represent traditionally feminine qualities, though also rapid decision and movement; fertility, eroticism, fulfilment, liberation or free self-expression, joy, wisdom.
(666) Desdemona – Asteroid of approximately 29km diameter, in the middle region of the main belt, named for the tragic heroine in Shakespeare's Othello (may have been inspired by the asteroid's provisional designation, containing the letters "DM"). Could indicate sadness, victimisation or the sense thereof, family conflict, inherited relationship patterns, powerful emotion, love, strategic thinking.
Position in event chart: Dione is trine your classical ruler Mars, and Desdemona sextile modern ruler Pluto, from your sign.
Theano's thoughts: Understanding our deepest internal workings requires that we be open and vulnerable: easier said than done, even if we alone are the audience, but nevertheless possible. Showing a tough exterior to the world is a common and often useful survival tool; knowing when to drop the mask, however, is equally important.
Fractal glyph for the sign Sagittarius. Sagittarius
In focus:
(56) Melete – Large and dark asteroid of the unusual P-type, probably composed of silicates, carbon and water ice. Named for one of the three original Muses. She presided over meditation (lit. 'ponder' and 'contemplation'); her sisters were Aoide (voice and song) and Mneme (memory). May relate to creativity, peak experience, inspiration, channelling, realising and responding to truth, justice, development and gifts.
(396) Aeolia – Largest and founding member of the Aeolia asteroid family; the members of which have an estimated age of less than 100 million years. Identified with Aiolos, the divine keeper of the winds, and his floating island of Aiolia. He kept storms locked away in the island's interior, releasing them only on the command of the greatest gods. May be in some respects an avatar of the sky god Ouranos. Could represent intelligence, wisdom, variability, objectivity and clarity, far-sightedness and forward thinking.
Position in event chart: Both are opposing your ruler Jupiter from Sagittarius.
Theano's thoughts: These days, everyone's attention is constantly demanded by a multitude of corporations and influencers, competing in increasingly aggressive ways to become the next distraction. If it's all getting a bit much, try stepping back from the notifications and infinite feeds, at least until you feel somewhat more grounded.
Fractal glyph for the sign Capricorn. Capricorn
In focus:
(42) Isis – Main belt asteroid 100.2km in diameter; named for Elizabeth Isis Pogson, the discoverer's astronomer daughter, and for the stretch of the Thames that flows through Oxford. The latter is named after the Egyptian goddess, who was widely venerated in the Roman Empire. Interpretations offered include partition or scattering and consequent reassembly, the missing link, reconciliation, synthesis, strength and feminine strength, loyalty, renewal, rebirth, nurturing, kindness and consistency.
(398) Admete – Dark and carbonaceous asteroid from the outer main belt, identified with the daughter of King Eurystheus. As one of his 12 labours, Herakles was obliged to fetch for her the girdle of Ares worn by Hippolyte of the Amazons. Admete may have accompanied him on the expedition. Could represent blockages or delays, a complicated process, endurance and perseverance, self-containment, expectancy or reserve.
Position in event chart: Both are sextile ruler Saturn from your sign.
Theano's thoughts: If a project you're involved in has hit a snarl or a roadblock, brute force will almost certainly be the least effective approach. The optimal solution is likely to require patience and a complex series of steps. At some point you'll need to collaborate, delegate and/or pause, which may seem counterproductive but could well save you future labours.
Fractal glyph for the sign Aquarius. Aquarius
In focus:
(52) Europa – Sixth largest asteroid in the main belt with a diameter of over 300km; ellipsoid in shape. Named for a princess of Phoenicia abducted by Zeus in the form of a bull, and taken to Crete. She bore him three sons: Minos, Sarpedon and Rhadamanthus. The continent of Europe is named after her. The myth may originate in the sacred union of two Phoenician deities in bovine form. May signify creativity, fertility, wealth or abundance, passion, fulfilment, harnessing power, natural instinct, multitasking, travel.
(787) Moskva – Dynamic member of the Maria asteroid family orbiting near the 3:1 Kirkwood gap, probably with a silicaceous surface. Named for Moscow, the Russian capital. Potentially represents inventiveness, regeneration or repair, problem-solving, power struggles, foresight, central or pivotal placement.
Position in event chart: Both are squaring your modern ruler Uranus from Aquarius.
Theano's thoughts: Now is an excellent time to expand your range and deliberately seek out a variety of perspectives on a particular matter. It's easy to remain in our comfort zone and pronounce what feels like an intuitive and sound judgment; all too often, in so doing, we miss a crucial piece of information. Ensure your view is as unbiased as possible.
Fractal glyph for the sign Pisces. Pisces
In focus:
(206) Hersilia – Fairly large, dark asteroid named for a character in the foundation myth of Rome, possibly the wife of Romulus, who is credited with ending the war between Rome and the Sabines. She was deified after her death as Hora Quirini. May relate to a holistic view, fulfilment, spirituality and healing, soul development, self-understanding, finding common ground, and innovation.
(88611) Teharonhiawako – Binary cubewano in the Kuiper belt with a large companion named Sawiskera. Identified with a maize god in the Iroquois creation myth (the secondary is named for his evil twin brother). Teharonhiawako created the first people, healed disease, defeated demons, and supplied the Iroquois with ceremonies, magic and tobacco. Meanings offered so far include light-dark dichotomies, adventurousness, cultivation, ambivalence or transcendence of duality, cellular healing, removal of weeds, time computation, an antidote to chaos, beauty and tranquility, good faith, peace and resolution.
Position in event chart: Both are square classical ruler Jupiter from your sign.
Theano's thoughts: Rarely does a major ethical decision contain self-evident right and wrong options. Usually some digging, including into our own motivations, is necessary to determine the best course of action. By all means carry out such investigations in your current dilemma; that said, it seems probable your instincts will be spot on.

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