Basic details and main features
Scorpio New Moon, 1st November 2024, 12:47 UTC
Let's face it: the forthcoming U.S. presidential election is – to put it mildly – causing some tension. This lunation chart reflects the uncertainty and unease many of us are feeling, in large part thanks to a configuration between Mars, Pluto and Juno, known as a T-square, in the often fraught final (anaretic) degrees of Cancer, Capricorn and Libra respectively. It seems to me this aspect pattern represents in vivid colour our collective sense of urgency, our anxiety for it all to be over with, and our dread of the worst case scenario.
I will hazard one prediction. I think the regressive side of this particular fence is finally running out of footholds in society writ large, and a defeat at the polls will signal its downfall amid the ascent of a kinder, more egalitarian culture. The very close sextile between Jupiter (which might naturally stand for the Harris-Walz team, being the god of joy) and Chiron suggests potential for deep healing.
As a Brit, I recognise that I'm on the sidelines here and can have no idea what it's like actually on the ground. I feel for anyone who is scared, under threat or already hurt by the Christofascist horror show. But in case it helps: the trine between Mercury and Mars suggests a release valve for anyone feeling desperate or forlorn: namely, take courage, be clear and speak your truth.
I am convinced that good will prevail; it's just a question of when. I think there's at least a fighting chance for a victory on Tuesday. Much love to you all.
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Some minor planets involved
Aspecting New Moon
- (58) Concordia (conjunct) – Fairly large C-type asteroid with low orbital eccentricity, named for the Roman goddess of peace and social harmony, evoking a stable society. Alongside these themes[1][2], the correspondences suggest determination, planning and focus – and/or complaisance – in the fulfilment of that aim.
- (269) Justitia (square) – Very red main-belt asteroid, which may have formed initially in the outer Solar System; named for the Roman goddess of justice. She may have been viewed more as a symbolic personification than a deity in her own right. Alongside the obvious associations, Amable suggests this asteroid represents a "capability to progressively reveal the truth"[3]; the Sabian brings to mind the dramatic performances seen in adversarial system courtrooms.
- (6235) Burney (opposite) – Main-belt asteroid discovered in 1987 and named after Venetia Phair (née Burney), who at age 11 was the first to suggest the name Pluto for the dwarf planet discovered in 1930. She went on to study mathematics. Amable relates Burney to "very personal approaches, that later have validity at the collective level"[4]. The discovery Sabian is similarly themed, featuring an act of compassion potentially producing a helpful ripple effect.
- (20000) Varuna (square) – IR-class cubewano, probably a dwarf planet, named for the Hindu god of water and the celestial ocean, as well as of law in the underwater world, who has unlimited knowledge. May represent law and order, the sea, lasting legacies[5]; judgment or judgmentalism, inquisition, moralising, vastness, global reach[6]; matters of truth, lies and keeping agreements[7]; the all-seeing eye[8]; previously unnoticed wrongs becoming apparent[9]; upholding cosmic law and divine order[10]; sovereignty, competency or lack thereof, elected or appointed offices or delegation of authority, promotion or demotion[11].
Aspecting Mars-Pluto-Juno T-square (conjunct Juno or Pluto)
- (38) Leda – C-type asteroid named for an Aetolian princess and renowned beauty whom Zeus seduced in the guise of a swan. She is the mother of the Dioscuri, Klytaemnestra and Helen. Correspondences suggest Leda may represent bringing forth a new paradigm or custom (and the dismantling needed to produce fresh ideas); beauty, beguilement, inspiration and vision; determination to complete what is begun, and to forge a legacy.
- (114) Kassandra – Large, dark asteroid belonging to the rare spectral class T; Kassandra was a Trojan prophet and devotee of Apollo, who, when she refused his advances, cursed her that her prophecies would never be believed. May represent prophecy and foreknowledge, issues with belief, credibility or trustworthiness[12]; brave actions that are known intuitively to be right[13]; the ability to follow advice, caution about what others say, difficulties being heard[14]; areas in which we're disbelieved[15]; advice and consent, lecturing, auditory sensitivity[16].
- (474) Prudentia – Main-belt asteroid with a mean radius of about 37.6 km, named for a Roman allegorical female personification of prudence. Her attributes are a mirror and a snake, and she is frequently depicted alongside Justitia. By enabling discernment between virtue and vice, prudence regulates all other virtues. The astrological relationship to prudence is likewise borne out by various associations; additional meanings may include commitment to learning or information gathering, a sense of duty, a cautious approach to reaching conclusions, and self-knowledge as the foundation of other wisdom.
- (490) Veritas – Ch-type asteroid and namesake of the Veritas family, identified with the Roman virtue of truthfulness, which was considered an essential. Mythologically, Veritas is the goddess of truth, usually a daughter of Saturn. She is said to be elusive, hiding at the bottom of a sacred well; like Prudentia, she is often depicted holding a hand mirror. Alongside truth itself, Veritas may represent the transformative power of following one's unique soul path; the varieties in our perception of reality and capacity for delusion or clarity; commitment to understanding as a guide towards truth.
- (1923) Osiris – Inner main-belt asteroid named for the Egyptian god and husband of Isis: originally a local deity from Lower Egypt who may have been a personification of fertility in the underworld. He evolved to represent both fertility and death/resurrection. Osiris was not only ruler of the dead but also the power that granted all life from the underworld. May signify change and transformation, renewal, resuscitation[17]; sensitivity, gender fluidity, dismantling[18]; "growth and strengthening through trial and tribulation"[19].
- (3361) Orpheus – Near-Earth asteroid and part of the Apollo group, whose orbit crosses those of both Earth and Mars. Orpheus was the famed Thracian bard and gifted musician, who ventured into the underworld to try to bring back his wife Eurydike after she died from a snake bite, but lost her again just as they were returning to the upper world. May represent musical or prophetic aptitude, persuasiveness, grief[20]; sad or sweet music[21]; the melody of the soul[22]; gradual or incomplete relationships, or those requiring decision and work[23].
Theano's thoughts
We can each remain true to our higher calling, to rectitude and wisdom, to love, joy and compassion, regardless of what may surround us. In so doing, individually and collectively we possess the power to uphold peace and justice in the face of their opponents. Evil cannot ultimately triumph, because by its own nature it consumes itself. Never doubt this, however bleak the world might seem. Even a single candle banishes the dark; and humanity contains innumerable brilliant lights.
1) Mark Andrew Holmes: Concordia
2) Amable: (58) Concordia
3) Amable: (269) Justitia
4) Amable: (6235) Burney
5) Alex Miller: Varuna 20000
6) Mark Andrew Holmes: Varuna
7) Kirsti Melto: New Moon in Leo – July 8, 2022
8) Neptune's Aura Astrology: Full Moon in Aquarius
9) Amable: (20000) Varuna
10) Zane Stein: Varuna
11) Philip Sedgwick: New Dwarf Planets, Eris, Sedna, Centaurs & More
12) Alex Miller: Kassandra 114
13) Amable: (114) Kassandra
14) Kirsti Melto: Full Moon in Aries – October 14, 2008
15) Neptune's Aura Astrology: Asteroids Kassandra 114, Helenos 1872 and Pythia 432
16) Martha Lang-Wescott: Basic Resources
17) Alex Miller: Osiris 1923
18) Mark Andrew Holmes: Osiris
TAKE Astrology: Asteroids in Astrology
20) Alex Miller: Orpheus 3361
21) Martha Lang-Wescott (ibid.)
22) Kirsti Melto: Full Moon in Cancer – January 11, 2009
23) Amable: (3361) Orpheus
Chart for the Scorpio New Moon on 1st November, located for Washington, D.C., at 08:46:55 local time.
Minor planet report by sign
For more details on the objects featured below, please see my links page, check out this index on Wikipedia, or contact me using the form at the end.
Aries In focus: (109) Felicitas – Dark, fairly large asteroid named for the deified Roman concept of divine inspiration, blessedness or happiness; distinguished from Fortuna as the latter could be unpredictable, but Felicitas' effects were invariably positive. There is a definite flavour within the correspondences of making one's own luck; the right decision in a casual situation (as Amable suggests), using one's circumstances and limitations wisely, or provoking substantive change if necessary.
(52872) Okyrhoe – Centaur whose orbit lies between those of Jupiter and Saturn; the shortest of any centaur. Named for the daughter of Chiron and Chariklo: a seer who was punished by the gods for revealing their secrets to mortals. May represent coping with criticism or unpopularity, standing up for one's principles, speed action, acceleration or potentially impulsive behaviour, ability to speak or lack thereof, revelations, discernment, purification and problem solving.
Position in event chart: Both are quincunx the New Moon from Aries.
Theano's thoughts: Protect your autonomy. An agreement of any kind that compromises your independence, even one that seems largely to your benefit, is likely to result in regret. Make sure your red lines are crystal clear to you and others. |
Taurus In focus: (402) Chloë – Main belt asteroid and member of the Barbarian family, named for a mythological Greek shepherdess; her name also means 'blooming' or 'fertility'. Several associations involve questions of identity; the name Chloë is itself an epithet of Demeter.
(897) Lysistrata – Member of the Maria family, which probably formed from the breakup of one parent body. Identified with the subject of an Aristophanes comedy who persuades the women of warring cities Athens and Sparta to withhold sexual privileges from their menfolk to force a peace negotiation; the scheme succeeds, ending the war. Correspondences are highly suggestive of dynamism and the will to get things done; intelligence (including emotional intelligence) working to secure progress or peace.
Position in event chart: Both are sesquiquadrate your ruler Venus from Taurus.
Theano's thoughts: Avoid rushing into action (or reaction) just now, particularly in terms of your connection with someone. You're probably still in the process of gathering information; at any rate, it's worth pausing to allow more to emerge. |
Gemini In focus: (47) Aglaja – Large, dark asteroid with a diameter of about 136km. Aglaia was one of the three Kharites (Graces), along with Thalia and Euphrosyne, and the goddess of beauty, splendour, glory and adornment. Astrological themes appear related to social grace, the power of giving pleasure, emotional intelligence, sophistication, fulfilment of duty and potential, broadly impactful actions.
(342) Endymion – C-type asteroid, and the first to receive the name of a male god, that of a handsome shepherd-prince loved by the moon-goddess Selene. When Zeus offered him his choice of destinies, Endymion chose immortality and youth in eternal sleep. (In a separate myth, Endymion was a king to whom Zeus granted foreknowledge of his own death.) Suggested meanings include creative energy, breaking loose, a state of limbo, education, bringing dreams into being and specialised interests.
Position in event chart: Both are quincunx your ruler Mercury from your sign.
Theano's thoughts: Exerting massive efforts to please or satisfy others might certainly pay off; however, perhaps you don't need to work quite so hard. Showing up as your authentic, individual self could carry you further than you imagine. |
Cancer In focus: (691) Lehigh – CD-type asteroid named for Lehigh University in Bethlehem, PA, the alma mater of the discovery's orbit computer, Joseph B. Reynolds. May represent the effort involved in research and data gathering, strong emotional or social foundations, exploration and reaching for new heights, and inventive spirit.
(900) Rosalinde – Elongated background asteroid from the inner main belt, identified with a character in the Strauss opera Die Fledermaus. Possibly indicates playfulness, logical intelligence, curiosity, creative thinking, concentration and problem solving.
Position in event chart: Both are trine the New Moon from Cancer.
Theano's thoughts: Now is a good moment to give amnesty to unusual ideas, however improbable they may seem. If necessary, write down your thoughts and put them aside for later pondering. Just don't dismiss anything out of hand if it inspires you. |
Leo In focus: (269) Justitia and (20000) Varuna – see above for details.
Position in event chart: Both are squaring the New Moon from Leo.
Theano's thoughts: Self-knowledge is a useful tool when examining the past and our reactions to it. Whatever feelings arise for you are valid in themselves and worth acknowledging; it also helps to be aware of any biases that might colour your memories. |
Virgo In focus: (849) Ara – Large, metallic background asteroid, approximately 80km in diameter; named for the American Relief Administration (ARA), in appreciation of its help during the Russian famine of 1921–22. Astrological markers do point to the distribution of food and possibly other goods as a potential meaning; trade in general; perhaps also confusion over how to address a problem, or assuming one has the solution and/or the right to act.
(1247) Memoria – Themistian main-belt asteroid identified with the Latin term for memory. Interpretations so far include memory, remembrance, revival of the past, experience as a foundation of the present; an incomplete task list; souvenirs or tokens of the past; past lives, learning by committing to memory, leaving a lasting impression.
Position in event chart: Both are semi-square the New Moon from your sign.
Theano's thoughts: Before you intervene in a particular situation, take care to understand as many of the circumstances as possible. All could not be quite as it seems, and what works in theory may need adjusting in practice. Give yourself the time you need. |
Libra In focus: (121) Hermione – Very large binary asteroid with a small moon, and member of the Cybele group; named for the daughter of Menelaus and Helen of Sparta, who was married first to Neoptolemos, son of Achilles, and later to her cousin Orestes. May imply a thirst for knowledge on a broad scale, science and logic, and emotional blocks; others have suggested restriction or removal, education, and discernment in relationships.
(164) Eva – Asteroid with a mean radius of just over 100km; the closest of this size to approach the orbit of Mars. The origin of the naming is unknown; it may relate to the biblical Eve, but this has been doubted due to the usual naming practices of the discoverer. Astrologically, the correspondences indicate catalysis of change, radiance or excellence, industry and intense or sustained labour. Amable adds work/life balance and self-care routines.
Position in event chart: Both are sextile your ruler Venus from Libra.
Theano's thoughts: You have all the resources you need to get going on a particular long-term project. Do set boundaries regarding time and energy, to prevent burnout; once this is organised, there's nothing to stop you diving right in. |
Scorpio In focus: (190) Ismene – Very large outer main belt asteroid and member of the Hilda family, which is locked in 3:2 resonance with Jupiter. Named for the daughter of Oedipus and sister of Antigone, who in most versions survives the attack of the Seven against Thebes. She is loyal to her sister, but does not defy the law as Antigone does to ensure their brother is properly buried. May indicate obedience, passivity, complaisance and compliance, taking responsibility and offering support, as well as hope and transcendence of conflict.
(570) Kythera – Large member of the Cybele asteroid group, identified with the island of Kythira, associated with Aphrodite. Correspondences suggest a depth of understanding and strong relationship to the past, spiritual devotion or immersion, passion, the human condition in the context of divine power, and surrender to the higher path.
Position in event chart: Both are trine Mars and sextile Pluto from your sign.
Theano's thoughts: Remember that all humans are fallible. We are each our own best guides along the path of life. However unsure you feel, you possess more rectitude and discernment than you might think. Don't be afraid to make your own decisions. |
Sagittarius In focus: (53) Kalypso – Large, very dark asteroid, named for a nymph who detained Odysseus on her island for seven years during his journey home. Her name means "to cover", "to conceal (or conceal knowledge)", "to hide", or "to deceive", and this may carry across astrologically; though there are indicators also of (perhaps eventual) revelation and lucidity; of information that manifests regardless of obstacles, or when actively or appropriately sought. The lore that is worth seeking.
(557) Violetta – Main-belt asteroid named for the tragic heroine of Verdi's La traviata, based on a novel by Alexandre Dumas the younger, The Lady of the Camellias. Potentially represents the decision between following one's heart and adhering to social mores; noble sacrifices inspired by genuine feeling, contrasted with greed and power-broking, and the changeable nature of life.
Position in event chart: Both oppose your ruler Jupiter from Sagittarius.
Theano's thoughts: Whether you open up about your feelings to someone you trust is entirely your decision. If you're experiencing anxiety as to how you'll be received, though, take courage; you could well be pleasantly surprised by the actual response. |
Capricorn In focus: (68) Leto – Main-belt asteroid with an estimated cross-sectional size of 123km, identified with the divine mother of the twins Apollo and Artemis. Alongside her children, she protected the young. May relate to devotion and piety, appreciation of beauty, healing and growth, good sense and wisdom, unanticipated strength and lasting effects.
(15810) Arawn – Plutino from inner region of Kuiper belt. Named for the Welsh ruler of the otherworld Annwn; he exchanged realms for a year and a day with the mortal Pwyll, lord of Dyfed, with whom he then became friends. Possible themes include intensive exploration of options or ideas, soul searching, integrity, shyness or social avoidance, sobriety, the core of the issue, knowledge, articulateness.
Position in event chart: Leto is sextile and Arawn semi-square your ruler Saturn, both from your sign.
Theano's thoughts: Consider your current friend network and whether those closest to you, especially, are helping you grow spiritually and emotionally. If specific needs are not being met, this could be the moment to express them, or to look elsewhere. |
Aquarius In focus: (16) Psyche – Most massive M-type asteroid, thought to be the exposed iron core of a protoplanet. Psyche is a mortal princess, who becomes the wife of Eros and joins the gods at his side after enduring several hard tests. Interpretations given so far include "trials and tribulations on the path to true love", intense passion, mutual trust; appropriate beginnings to relationships, reconciliations, unpredictable developments; brains, psychological challenges and recovery, mental health; soul journeys, transcendence, self-discovery, reflection, self-actualisation, the sacred marriage.
(423) Diotima – Large asteroid named for Diotima of Mantinea, a priestess who was listed as one of Socrates's teachers in Plato's Symposium, where she expounds on the nature of love in its various levels of manifestation. Correspondences suggest intelligence and new ways of being; also the importance of clear vision as opposed to prejudice.
Position in event chart: Both are square modern ruler Uranus from your sign.
Theano's thoughts: Honour your learning style. It may well be a little different from those of others, but if it works for you, then it's probably right. Never mind any unsolicited opinions that might issue forth from your peers. You can trust your own judgment. |
Pisces In focus: (138) Tolosa – Brightly coloured, stony background asteroid from the inner main belt, identified with the city of Toulouse in France, where the discovery took place. Could represent learning, inspiration, technological advancement, exploration, liberty, adventure and chance (or synchronicity), and enthusiasm.
(600) Musa – Asteroid of diameter approximately 25km, named for the nine (originally three) Greek Muses. Possibly signifies creativity (and the expression of the self involved therein), fresh perspective, new beginnings, healing as a basis for producing one's most unique works, and artistic endeavours as an ultimately equalising force among humankind.
Position in event chart: Both conjoin your modern ruler Neptune in Pisces.
Theano's thoughts: If you're feeling stuck for ideas, try turning your present musings upside down. Examine the side and reverse angles, both close and at a distance. Note how the picture subtly changes with each turn. Therein, hopefully, lies your propellant. |
Just gets better and better girl - deep bow and may The Force be with the Mother of Everything!
ReplyDeleteThanks V :)